Plasma Color Schemes
by nestort
This is a color theme that matches Skewaita GTK theme. It's a gray theme, easy on the eyes, with bright green accents. Widgets such as Oxygen, QtCurve Fusion or Breeze won't show pressed/toggled buttons with the accent color, so it's not a perfect match for the GTK theme (you might want to use...

Plasma Color Schemes
by lumarans30
OpenSUSE Pitch DarkA custom theme for KDE Plasma with a very dark color scheme and an OpenSUSE logo accent colorExtra:In order to display kecleon with fastfetch as in the picture, use the following alias in .bashrc:
shiny_flag='' ...

Plasma Color Schemes
by bradfordr
This color scheme brings out the reds, greens and blues of your desktop giving you a refreshing new feel of color in your KDE Plasma Desktop Environment. Try this out if you are bored with the regular whites, grays and blacks in most color schemes in KDE. Give you computer a unique personality...

Plasma Color Schemes
Number equals to alpha value. Original Forest with solid (opaque) folder view.In Plasma 5.24 install Lightly from https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly.In Plasma 5.25 in order to have blurred Titlebar install Lightly from https://github.com/boehs/Lightly.Choose Transparent Dolphin view in...

Plasma Color Schemes
Number equals to alpha value. Original Forest Night with solid (opaque) folder view.In Plasma 5.24 install Lightly from https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly.In Plasma 5.25 in order to have blurred Titlebar install Lightly from https://github.com/boehs/Lightly.Choose Transparent Dolphin view in...

Plasma Color Schemes
by nestort
This is a lightweight dark theme using mostly the same colors of another theme of mine: Soil. It is dark, with green accents. Disabled elements are brown. It is very easy on the eyes. It looks very much like old desktop themes from the nineties (somewhat like a dark Windows 95 theme). It is not...

Plasma Color Schemes
I really liked the openSUSE installer color-scheme, so I decided to try to make an imitation of it for Qt applications. I was able to refer to the actual qss to make sure that I could get the colors right. There are a few colors not covered by the qss, so I had to improvise with those. I think I...
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Vintage Blush Light
Plasma Color Schemes
Thank you so much!