Qt Tools
by zdenop
QT Box Editor is tool for adjusting tesseract-ocr box files. Aim of this project is to provide easy and efficient way for editing regardless file size.

Qt Tools
by JanisV
OpenNumismat is an application for coins collectors and numismatists. You can create and manage your own catalogue with detailed description and photos of coins.Main features:- More than 60 customizable fields to describe the coin- Up to 7 photos coins (insert image from file, clipboard,...

Qt Tools
by frafl
modern computer flatboat is a mobile pdf viewer written in Qt and using MuPDF's libfitz.Some of flatboat's features are (for other features see the help page): a column mode an in-document history writing support for ink annotations and text annotationsThe column mode, is designed for...

Qt Tools
by Aethalides
A plugin for the plasma desktop that periodically calls an external command to get the file name of the next image to display.Plugs right into the wallpaper settings screen.

Qt Tools
by zcrendel
This desktop software is prompter for TV news presenters who use to display prompter either notebook screen or projector.It's behavior (text scrolling speed, scroll position and text size) controlled by presenter using a usual mouse (which can be attached to computer via bluetooth to increase a...

Qt Tools
by Vanniktech
SpeedReader is an open source cross-platform program, developed with Qt. It allows you to read any kind of texts super-fast by displaying up to 10 words at a time, with a speed from 300 to 3000 words per minute. In the settings you can conveniently customize the color, font face and font size of...

Qt Tools
by Hackeridze
Астрологический определитель профессии.Определяет "Ваше число" по дате, по ФИО и "золотое число".English:Astrology-way profession detection program.Calculates you magic number by date, name or both (gold number).Password/пароль: d6mr2wc9ji64Для запуска без пароля соберите программу из исходников....

Qt Tools
by chathuranga
NoobaVSS is a free and open source smart video surveillance system. It is based on Qt C++ and use OpenCV for image processing.Main Purpose of this project is to provide an application platform to develop video surveillance related algorithms quickly and easily. Even though NoobaVSS is designed...

Qt Tools
by D0IT
Windows tool that allows to setup a timer to shutdown Windows.Basically a GUI utilizing QProcess for Window's shutdown.exe.Had developed it for my own usage, but thought I could make it available here.
Rounded screen corners
Qt Tools
Glad to hear. Have fun :-)