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- System Monitor Tabs (old ksysguard)41
- Tellico36
- Yakuake Skins92


by hackan301
One again it is confusing to categorize this... - It is for digikam, but it is meant to make digikam blend in with the GTK+ Adapta Nokto theme :-D::: Installation :::1) Download the *.colors file (... really? :-D )2) Put it in a "colorschemes" folder which digikam knows about.It can...
Comments ›
Vanilla theme for DigiKam/Kipi HTML Export
Thanks for the comments! I've wanted to include EXIF functionality as well, but it turns out that its not possible to do currently within a HTML export theme because that information is not...

Vanilla theme for DigiKam/Kipi HTML Export
This one, as well as the elegant theme, are really great. Clean but professional looking and very functional. I was wondering if it would be possible to include some of the exif or even better...

Popularity ›
(based on plings, downloads, etc.)

Vanilla theme for DigiKam/Kipi HTML Export
This is a great HTML Gallery theme. The best one around currently. It should (and I really mean it) be shipped by default with digiKam. The default themes suck and look plain and ugly. I'd...