Kdenlive Effect Templates
by ludovici
Glitch Effect for Kdenlive. Put them in your custom effects folder (.local/share/kdenlive/effects). There are three files: one to the blue layer, other to the red layer and one to the green layer. You need to duplicate your layer twice (you need to have three layer, one for each color) and use...

Plymouth Themes
by markfirewald
# Animated Glitch Boot ScreenThis is a template built off of Eonix's animated cat plymouth theme. I modified some of jcklpe's scripts and added a new Plymouth theme for my laptop. Link to GIF in ACTION## Instructions 1. Install Plymouth themes:`sudo apt install plymouth-themes`2. Go to the...
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Plasma Window Decorations
Maybe this helps you: https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/18yi698/comment/kgkipgt/?context=3