Search results for "layouts"


Windows 11 Layout

Latte Layouts by logant547
DETAILS: Icons: Fluent (Red) Font: Inter Plasma theme: ChromeOS Kvantum theme: Materia-dark Latte indicators: Dash To Panel Widgets needed for this layout: Menu 11:
dock extension kde latte latte-dock layouts linux unix windows-11
Sep 13 2021

Deepin 20 Latte Layout

Latte Layouts by logant547
DETAILS: Icons: Fluent (Red) Font: Inter Plasma theme: ChromeOS Kvantum theme: Materia-dark Latte indicators: Dash To Panel Widgets needed for this layout: Present Windows Button (
deepin dock extension kde latte latte-dock layouts linux unix
Sep 13 2021

Plasma Customization Saver

Plasma 5 Applets by paju
This is a widget to save and manage your desktop customizations, you can save your current desktop customization and it will list all your past saved ones, you can restore the customization with just one click, also you can export/import customization to other...
plasma config layouts manager linux unix extension kde plasma-5 widget
Feb 12 2022

Xmobar Style Layout

Latte Layouts by fkorpsvart
and Layouts have. This Layout is based on my Xmobar configuration, of course with the extras provided
arch dock extension kde latte lattedock layouts linux manjaro unix
Jan 26 2021

Dock And Unity Multiple Promo

Latte Layouts by Psifidotos
These are three layouts used at the Latte v0.9 Promo video. These layouts can not be installed
bundle dock extension latte layouts linux multiple unix v0.9
Jul 31 2019