Full Icon Themes
Its nice to know that you like the icon set. As for gnome icons in dir, I have different sets of image different DE (https://rudrab.github.io/dual/#installation). May be I will create another one without any logo.
Please dont forget to upvote. - Feb 08 2020
Please dont forget to upvote. - Feb 08 2020
yes! thanks for your attempt once again. BTW, I have installed dolphin as I told you before. I have updated most of the status bar icon. If you use git, you can pull it and check. Please revert to me if you find anything missing. Also, consider using dropbox/g-drive instead of imagebox. Thnaks for your help once again.
- May 30 2019
freefreeno: I have replied to you about the dolphin problem and I am still working on that. I greatly acknowledge your comments. But I still thing saying something wrong without reading README is harsh. The problem is for regular user, who are trying to update icons, extracting to existing folder is better then extract - copy cycle.
- May 29 2019
I checked the breeze icon theme. The problem is breeze in intrinsically monochrome, unlike adwaita, where monochrome is named as symbolic. I am trying to provide icons fro dolphin, so that they look homogeneous. but it will probably take some time.
Also, if you are in github, can you raise an issue there? - May 27 2019
Also, if you are in github, can you raise an issue there? - May 27 2019

Shadow-new icons request
Utilities by Barud 4 comments
Hi, Thanks a lot for your missing icons. I see there are a lots of icons missing. I will update them step by step. I have already updated few of them and also KDE specific Folder icons. Kindly have a look.
Also, if you like this icon, please consider upvoting both this script and the icon theme. - Feb 10 2018
Also, if you like this icon, please consider upvoting both this script and the icon theme. - Feb 10 2018
Hi, Thanks for your encouraging words. Please, can you post the corresponding .desktop file (preferably in github)? This is important because popcorntime is already themed. So there might be some mismatch in name. I will update the mixxx ASAP. Thanks
- Oct 10 2017
Icons are ready, but I have no idea how they are named. Can you give me the icon names? They will possibly be in /usr/share/applications/<app>.desktop
or in
You can send me the output of `grep Icon= <app>.desktop` where <app> is the proper file - Oct 20 2015
Icons are ready, but I have no idea how they are named. Can you give me the icon names? They will possibly be in /usr/share/applications/<app>.desktop
or in
You can send me the output of `grep Icon= <app>.desktop` where <app> is the proper file - Oct 20 2015