Description: Solarized is a popular color scheme implemented for various programs. It aims at low contrast-highly readable text and code. It has been tested with color calibrated and miscalibrated displays.
This pack contains Solarized Dark and Solarized Light themes for Konsole, Kate and Kcolorchooser.
Kate is the embedded KDE editor used within Kdevelop, Kile, Kwrite, etc. So the color changes will be applicable to all KDE programs with editor components.
Kcolorchooser palette helps you in customizing syntax highlightings, as this package comes with a "bare" syntax highlighting file.
Konsole themes and generator code from:
Install the theme by running in the downloaded zip file. Read the file for more information and manual installation instructions.Last changelog:
<b>1.1</b> 2012-04-13 <i>commit b3ef1bae47</i>: Better conformance to Solarized design. Minor additional fixes.
Try closing and reopening Konsole.
Is your kde settings directory "~/.kde" ? Check the presence of other configuration files under it. Your configuration directory may be under "~/.kde4"
Ratings & Comments
I tried to install this in Ubuntu because I use Kile on a daily basis but without any luck. Is this color scheme only available for the whole kde?
Sorry, I think I just got it to work!
thanks for doing this!!! I really love solarized - it somehow manages to make the linux fonts look really good.
I copied the *.colorschemes to ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole as per the instructions but don't see them in the list. Kubuntu 11.04.
Try closing and reopening Konsole. Is your kde settings directory "~/.kde" ? Check the presence of other configuration files under it. Your configuration directory may be under "~/.kde4"
Yes, my directory is .kde. That's why I'm trying to install to .kde.
Strange problem. What is your KDE version? Also, try renaming the files to something else, like SL.colorscheme and SD.colorscheme