Description: It's the color scheme Kamélayon with the buttons and selection colors different.
It wasn't my idea of Kamélayon, so I put this color scheme with another name (Kamélayon light) because persons prefer other colors for selection and buttons (checkbox...). So you can also download the original Kamélayon color scheme.
It's the color scheme Kamélayon with the buttons and selection colors different.
It wasn't my idea of Kamélayon, so I put this color scheme with another name (Kamélayon light) because persons prefer other colors for selection and buttons (checkbox...). So you can also download the original Kamélayon color scheme.
The problem was the name of the file (I had a 'é'character in my file). It's a problem of openDesktop, not me :). So i had to update the file. The file is now updated.
Thank You :) and you can also view DarkRed, it's a shadow color scheme. The colors are red and black (but it's very different ;) ).
If you have any idea for a new color scheme, answer after this message or send me a message.
I like create color schemes ;) .
Ratings & Comments
Very nice color scheme! Where can I get the wallpaper in the screenshot?
I think it's this Wallpaper :
Thank you :-)
himm, it looks fine with my kubuntu. Thanks
Can't download. Getting 404.
Thank you, i send the file ;)
The problem was the name of the file (I had a 'é'character in my file). It's a problem of openDesktop, not me :). So i had to update the file. The file is now updated.
I think this one is even better, good job :)
Thank You :) and you can also view DarkRed, it's a shadow color scheme. The colors are red and black (but it's very different ;) ). If you have any idea for a new color scheme, answer after this message or send me a message. I like create color schemes ;) .