CPU and System Viewer

Plasma 4 Extensions

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The CPU and System Viewer plasmoid provides a simple and rather minimalistic view onto the current CPU usage of your system and can be added to the panel. If wanted, CPU, memory and swap usage are shown in a graph, too. Also, a popup gives more advanced information about the current state of the system.

This plasmoid is written in python and is derived from the Simple CPU Meter plasmoid. Also, ideas from the System Load Viewer plasmoid shipped with KDE SC were used.

- Download, unpack, cd into directory and run plasmapkg -i ./
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Last changelog:

- Minor update where we now use the text color of the theme. This should improve readability for e. g. the air theme.

- Text label can be turned off
- Config dialog improved

- Swap percentage is now calculated correctly.

0.2.4, 0.2.5:
- Minor bugfixes (system output)

- Added some hack to get correct transparent / translucent background for chart. This was needed for KDE 4.8.x for whatever kind of reasons.

Ratings & Comments



After all those stupid widgets with graphs finally a sensible one. If you can add CPU temp and memory as well in the same way and give an option to align them verticall for vertical panels, I'll go find and kiss you (on the cheek, that is)!


Thanks for this nice widget! Unfortunately my terminal is full of this message "No action defined for data from source cpu/system/TotalLoad" if I start plasma from konsole. I've fixed it by replacing line 333 with if self.lastUnknownSourceName != sourceName: \t print "No action defined for data from source " + sourceName self.lastUnknownSourceName = sourceName Perhaps you can change this in your version, too.


Sorry, this is some debug message I forgot to remove. Should be fixed in the current version. Thanks for letting me know.


I really like it. Simple, but useful. Remarks: - With the default KDE theme (the light bluish one, Air I think) the values are very hard to read when the plasmoid is in the panel. So I'd like to have the percent value in dark, not white. Either by configuring manually, or by the plasmoid itself choosing sane values according to the theme. - What exactly is the opaque background supposed to do? I either get a black frame around the percent values, or not. I don't see a change in the background. - The experimental sqaure aspect ratio option looks more like a fixed aspec ratio option. - Maybe support for showing multiple graphs for each core? Probably no good idea for the panel, but when outside in larger size, this might be nice. of course, someone will also suggest to add all other sorts of graphs (free space, temperatures, ...). Not really important. - It launches the system activity utility when clicked, which is nice. What about making this command customizeable? Or adding another command for the middle mouse button? Whops, I got a plasma crash! https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=274507


Thanks for the positive feedback and the suggestions you have: 1) Colors: Well, I guess I have to test this with a default installation and not with my highly customized personal installation. As far as I remember, I simply copied this over from the Simple CPU Meter plasmoid. 2) Opaque background: Have a look at the screenshots. Deactivating the "opaque background" option deactivates this squarish thingy behind and around the percent label. That's why it is called "opaque background for label". 3) Square aspect ratio: This name comes from the corresponding option in plasma which Plasma.Square. Might be, that FixedRatio might be a better name. But this is called experimental for a reason :-) 4) Multiple Graphs: No, I won't support this. Why not? I don't want it and it would complicate the code quite a bit. Especially if you want to support 16 cores or such. How about colors, then? 5) Mouse buttons: This is a direct copy from the System Load Viewer plasmoid. As this is called via some DBUS magic, which I don't understand at all, I do not want to make this a config opion. What else would you like to call from a system monitor?


2) Okay, I see it, but I have to look very closely on my desktop to notice. 4) I have two cores only, and wouldn't mind an additional graph, could even be the same color. And maybe some temperature reading would be nice, instead of used RAM which is always high anyway. But that's not important. Not at all. 5) Just an idea, I like gadgets to do multiple things. Starting the System Activity was a good idea. What else? - Start any shell command that has been configured - Disable/Enable some graphs - Or toggle between two modes: CPU/Memory/Swap, and CPU temp / Board temp / HD temp. Again, it's just an idea, nothing I would really miss. 1) is most important, because it doesn't display well with the standard KDE theme. I guess others will also have this problem.


2) Well, this works better on a black theme like oxygen. Personally, I don't think this is a problem if it isn't really visible in Air. Or what do you think? And, well, regarding 4 + 5... then it wouldn't be simple anymore, wouldn't it? All these are nice option / improvements which I might consider some times in the future. But please bear in mind that this is the first KDE plasma hacking I have ever done. And this, after only 15 minutes of looking at the Simple CPU code.... For a more versatile tool, quite a bit of code cleanup would be necessary I think ;-)


Just uploaded a new minor release. Here, we now use the text color of the given theme as text color for the label. Changing the theme might need a plasma restart, though.


Michael, that's really nice, I've been looking everywhere for this. 1-I was wondering if there was hope for an option to no display the label at all, just the plot(s) ? 2-And could the plots *fill* up ? That would provide a quick visual clue that something is wrong 3-And while we're at it, I'd really like a "black background" option.. I find it awkward to have to switch theme just so a particular widget is really usable/looks good, but then what about the others..? I use a vertical panel, and your widget flows nicely, without the huge vertical margins that some widget display.


1) Not showing the label? Yes, this can be done. I will implement this for the next minor version 2) What do you mean with "fill up". Color below the chart line, so that there is a solid patch of color up to the individual chart? If yes, sorry, this can not be realized with the Plasma.SignalPlotter component and with multiple independent chart plots. Or do you mean somethin else? 3) So, transparent is not good? Or how do you mean this?

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version 0.2.6
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