MPD plasma client

Plasma 4 Extensions

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MPD plasma client - it small simply plasmoid, written on python, which controls mpd server.
There are only the following functions: previous/next song, play/pause, stop.

You can find fresh version on mercurial repo. Just run:
hg clone
and "plasmapkg -i mpd-plasma-client/" to install

Browse source:

Go to your download directory and run:
plasmapkg -i MPD-plasma-client.plasmoid
If you have old version, delete it:
plasmapkg -r MPD-plasma-client

If you have a problem, please run:
plasmoidviewer MPD-plasma-cient.plasmoid
and send output to me. It help to fix bugs.

I finished popup dialog with song info and now I'll trying to add features which you asked (volume, song info etc.)

P.S sorry for my english =)
Last changelog:

Version 0.4 25-04-2010
Popup dialog has been remade: now I use Plasma ToolTip Manager instead dialog.
Fixed some bugs
Version 0.3.2 31-03-2010
Added cover image
Version 0.3.1 14-03-2010
I remade popup dialog
Popup dialog display songs without tags correct
I removed stop button. I think that few people used it. But if you need this button, you may add it in settings
Version 0.3 14-03-2010
Added popup dialog with song info (thanks to gmail plasmoid authors). See screenshoot
Fixed bugs with encoding
Version 0.2.1 16-02-2010
Added tooltips with information about current and next songs
Automatic reconnection
Fixed some bugs
Version 0.2 (15-01-2010)
Added settings
Version 0.1.1 (14-01-2010)
Added connection button
This version uses only custom icons. I return system icons in next release
Version 0.1 (11-01-2010)
initial version

Ratings & Comments



Hi, all of the links seems to be broken...


Thanks, very useful! But when mdp client hangs (or can't read data from internet and long time don't answer to plasmoid), this plasmoid locks all plasma interface. Can you fix this problem?


Thanks for this simple, yet great applet! Very useful! Any chance to get a new version with working cover support sometime soon?


I install your plasmoid, but when I launch it I have this error massage: "Echec du script d'initialisation" Result of plasmoidviewer MPD-plasma-cient.plasmoid: Quote:

[dominique@localhost ~]$ plasmoidviewer MPD-plasma-cient.plasmoid plasmoidviewer(5328)/libplasma Plasma::FrameSvg::resizeFrame: Invalid size QSizeF(0, 0) plasmoidviewer(5328)/libplasma Plasma::FrameSvg::resizeFrame: Invalid size QSizeF(0, 0)
I use Fedora 14 with kde 4.6


Nobody here ?


I'm here, but I don't know what happens. This error may arise from the fact that package "plasma-scriptengine-python" not installed. Or MPD not installed or configured correctly.


Thanks for writing this little gem, really enjoy using it. A problem/bug I have noticed that has been quite annoying though is that every time the server running mpd is not available (off) and I turn on the client laptop on, I get the dreaded plasmoid error red cross with accompanying message something like "error running script" instead of the nice control buttons you intended. It works again if I close and reopen the plasmoid after turning on the server however. This bug reliably happens every time the server is off.


As a workaround you may run mpd with system. By startup scripts.


Hi Again will the next version include the ability to have the song name/artist and cover alongside (or instead of) the buttons so one could see the song info on the taskbar? thx again for this awesome plasmoid! zeltak


yes, I try make this


I've just tried this applet and i like it a lot. The problem is the art is not shown. I have the album art image in the same folder as the audio files, named AlbumArt.jpg, but still doesn't show. Do I need to do anything else? Thanks in advance


Unfortunately, now plasmoid take covers from ~/.covers directory (sonata save covers in this folder). But I'm working on this problem, in next version everything will be fine =)


Thanks for the response, I'll wait for the next version :D


Thanks a lot, very usefull I just miss the volume button...


hi grozotkh thx for the update! a while back i requested the song info (name,album,artist) to be added next to the buttons. you mentioned you added them but i cant see how. what i meant is having the song info constantly present on the taskbar (next to the buttons) and not just as a pop up when the song changes is that possible? thx alot again for this awesome plasmoid! Zeltak


I want make it. It a little long, but I'll do it


I have some songs with russian titles in UTF-8. And mpd-plasma-client show its inconrrectly.


Fixed. Trying it. ps можешь по-русски писать =)


Подтверждаю: исправлено :)


This object could not be created for this reason: script initialization failed :/ KDE 4.4




I don't tested work on remote servers. In settings you may set "host" and "port", but option "user/pass" I'll add in future releases


У меня подобная проблема, на локальной машине не стоит mpd, а плазмоид при запуске сразу пытается подключиться к серверу который прописан по умолчанию, и вылетает с ошибкой. Отредактировал на нужный сервер, всё заработало, но хотелось бы иметь возможность редактирования настроек даже если клиент не подключился к серверу, это же логично. версия плазмоида 0.4


В смысле отредактировал напрямую в файле

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version 0.4
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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