Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Requires KDE 4, PyKDE, plasma python script-engine and python-devel packages.
To install:
plasmapkg -i plasmacon.plasmoid
To uninstall:
plasmapkg -r plasmacon.plasmoid
0.3 (20.09.2012)
- Now it is popup enabled and has transparency support.
0.2.3-r2 (20.10.2010):
- Fixed problem with icons.
0.2.3-r1 (18.09.2009):
- Fixed reset of height and width values after reboot/relogin/readd.
0.2.2 (23.08.2009):
- Issue with closing session in "no tabs" mode was fixed.
0.2.1 (21.08.2009):
- Some fixes and changes with opening new sessions.
- Now the last one session is restarted after closing.
0.2 (31.07.2009):
- Added tabs support.
- Fixed some issues.
0.1.1 (14.07.2009):
- Now plasmoid is deleted when session is closed.
0.1 (08.07.2009):
- Basic functionality - it simply loads libkonsolepart.so :-).
- Plasmacon works normally only in KDE 4.3 at this moment.
Ratings & Comments
Is there a chance you'll port this useful plasmoid to KDE5? Thanks
I would like that, too.
any chance there could be a setting for using a keybind to make this plasmoid show? This could make it a viable replacement for Yakuake with better integration, appearance-wise
Hi, Hotkeys to switch between Tabs would be nice. Like ALT+Left like in Konsole it self.
If you could add some option to the plasmoid, like binding the plasmoid to a specific konsole profile AND to launch an executable at boot (if i ask one for tab, am i asking too much?)
Quote:If you could add some option to the plasmoid, like binding the plasmoid to a specific konsole profile AND to launch an executable at boot (if i ask one for tab, am i asking too much?)
Am i asking too much or will you consider my question? :)
It should be time consuming, I think. I'll consider the question if just i'll in a mood for this.
This is one of the most useful Plasma widgets i ever installed... i doN't have to always worry about whicg screen I'm on, it's on all 6 of them, thanks, this is cool!
Really good to have this for handy but it breaks after kde 4.8 releases.
Hi, The plasmoid works well on KDE 4.6.2. Transparency of the outer box is working. (It adapts to my plasma theme). The terminal area does not follow transparency, but I'm not bothered by that. (In fact it's perfect for me like this) These are the kind of plasmoids that should be included in the main KDE distribution. I totally helps me getting rid of that Konsole window I always need to have open somewhere. One thing though: it does not seem to remember the number of tabs opened in the last session, so that they are reloaded. I got a nice screenshot of my plasma desktop with plasmacon: http://s2.kimag.es/share/54975146.png
…would really, really be awesome. Any chance that is still coming? Btw. I can confirm the menu-placement bug. Thanks for your work!
BUG: The context menu opens in the wrong position: if you click right mouse button at the _relative_ (relatively to the Plasma widget position) coordinates (x, y), the menu opens at _absolute_ screen coordinates (x, y).
i can confirm this as well.
I run two instances of this concurrently and any resizing I do does not persist after logging out. On my desktop I need the two instances I have to be differnet sizes but when I log out, they both end up at the size of the one that I last resized.
does not work with debian sid KDE 4.4.5. says: Python-script-treiber für Plasmacon kann nicht initialisiert werden. what means: python script driver for plasmacon couldn't be initialized.
Does anyone else have this weird behaviour of the context menu: http://www.cyrilbrosch.net/plasmocon_menu.png It doesn't pop up over the plasmoid, but up to the left. In the picture I'm clicking in the plasmoid where the curser is. When I click in the lower right corner, the pop-up menu appears appr. in the mid of the screen. The menu is fully functional, however, only the position isn't right.
Hullo, could you list which files exactly your script depends on? I'm trying to get it working on Gentoo and there is no "python-devel" package here.
Quote:could you list which files exactly your script depends on? I'm trying to get it working on Gentoo and there is no "python-devel" package here.
In gentoo it depends on kde-base/plasma-workspace with USE="python".
I have that, but I still get an error "Not able to create scripting engine python for Plasmacon" when I add it to the desktop O_o
Plz, run the following command in terminal and post the results here: Quote:plasmoidviewer Plasmacon
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pyappletscript.py", line 21, in <module> from PyKDE4.plasma import Plasma RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v6.0 but the PyKDE4.plasma module requires API v5.0
Try to rebuild krosspython and pykde4 packages
Works now, thanks :]