Magic Folder
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
ADDE Label underneath the icon FIXE
The configuration wasn't always saved
FIXE Simple Wildcards weren't working
CHANGE Background is now transparent ADDE
i18n support for 4.2.0 to 4.2.80 (4.2.90+ got native support) ADDE
German translation (100%) ADDE
Polish translation (80%)
ADDE Preset filters for video, image, audio and text files FIXE
Scripts got files with protocol prefix, even with local files ADDE
"Copy Only"-function
ADDE Filter Import/Export ADDE
Checkbox and Info-Button for Script Support CHANGE
Files get filtered and processed in chunks FIXE
Crash occured when opening the config a second time ADDE
Tooltips for buttons
ADDE Icon Customizability CHANGE
Filters get saved outside plasma-appletsrc ADDE
Experimental Script Support FIXE
did case insensitivity ever worked oO ? CHANGE
Buttons on the filter page are now in a toolbar
FIXE loading issue FIXE
config ui didn't recognize case sensitivity setting
FIXE some size and margin issues
initial release
Ratings & Comments
Hi! This is an excellent plasmoid! If you plan to develop it further, might I suggest integrating it into the system configuration. Instead of selecting specific rules with specific extensions, just say for instance, 'drop down menu','pictures', and type a location for all pictures registered in the system configuration. Same for all types of movie formats, music formats and document formats. I look forward to something like this in the future. Thanks for this great widget!
Thanks for this plasmoid. It is excellent! Could you integrate Magic Folder on Dolphin? For example to drag and drop files into Magic Folder on Dolphin, or better yet, to use that folder linked to Magic Folder as the default path of our downloads manager or P2P apps. Thanks.
Yeah thats what i look for. i mean its cool to have the magic folder on some desktop panel and i love it. But if i can link ktorrent to it, or kget and the save file dialog of my messenger and so on.. yeah. that would be really cool! the bad thing is that, if it uses KIO, no gtk app can use it :/
Hi, Great job. Is it possible to make a rule that applies to a folder depending on the contents? Thank you
it is possible to add a field to automatically tag (with nepomuk) a file dropped to magic folder? for me this is the most used plasmoid, thanks for your work... my tv series collection depends on it :-)
about the "bizzl" user name. Bizzl! Bizzl auf der Zunge lacht.
I like the idea and most of the execution, but I'd love it with a couple additions: one would be an option to put text below the folder (user-customizable or something like "Magic Folder" so that it looks like a normal thunderbird folder, but in green! The other thing I'd like is an option for "all else" as a preset. If you could do that, I would be delighted! Your plasmoid is otherwise greatly appreciated. A crucial part to any (bad organizer's) desktop! Thank you! From,
using kubuntu 9.10 yeah did a /etc/init.d/kdm restart
That was a bit much but okay... I have no clue what is happening there, it installs fine on both my 4.3.4 and 4.3.90 machines (both running karmic under the hood) Maybe removing .kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/magic-folder and .kde/share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-magic-folder.desktop with rm and reinstalling the package via the widget explorer resolves it, but I can't promise it.
ok i saw that neither the folder nore the .desktop file was created. installing over the gui didnt work. now did it with plasmapkg an this did the trick. big thanks for your help! and you made a very helpful plasmoid!
im using kde 4.3 and wanted to use your plasmoid but it doesnt add to the plasmoids list, neither i install it over the list nore i put the folder in the plasmoids folder in my home directory. any idea?
Not really. What distro are you using? Have you reopened the Widget Explorer after installation?
Well except that it has a load of issues with saving the settings. Logged out and logged back in and I only had one entry. Tried exporting them and it would only export the last one on the list. So did them one at a time and put them together. Looked at the default one that I was going to try and save it to and realised that all that was missing was that the first entry said count=1 so changed that to 13 and got them back. I hope it wont loose them again when I restart.
Sorry, I only have a vague idea what could be wrong. Maybe the config isn't saved, as KConfig seem to only save on destruction. Maybe KConfig.sync() will help. I hope to accumulate some more reasons to update within this week, so I can't promise anything before sunday.
I think you misunderstood what I was getting at in my last post. I was trying to post a bit of information on how to use your widget for anyone reading this. If it helps you debug, this is the output when I try to export my full list form the config screen (http://www.pastebin.ca/1675415), and this is the config file after I logged out and back in again (http://pastebin.ca/1675425). As you can see all I had to do is change the count=1 to count=13. I've had a look at the code and coulldn't see anything obvious, but don't know python so can't be sure.
What a nice little widget! I'd just like to echo the need for a little more documentation on how to use it. (I've found that the regular expressions aren't quite how I'd expect - (.*) doesn't seem to act as a wildcard but that may be something to do with the wildcard setting.) A couple of things which I have found useful: *.(avi|ogg|wmv|mkv|qt|mov|mpeg|mpg) Just picks files with any of these extensions - in this case videos trash:/ as the target moves the selected file type to trash
> (.*) doesn't seem to act as a > wildcard but that may be something > to do with the wildcard setting.) Do you want .* to mean "All hidden files" or "Any File"? In the later, you have to use * only, or disable simple wildcards. > *.(avi|ogg|wmv|mkv|qt|mov|mpeg|mpg) > Just picks files with any of these > extensions - in this case videos What you want is either *.{avi,ogg,wmv,mkv,qt,mov,mpeg,mpg} or *.avi *.ogg *.wmv *.mkv *.qt *.mov *.mpeg *.mpg. Simple Wildcards work just as in sh. > trash:/ > as the target moves the selected file > type to trash Just type it into the target box, or choose it in the "Select Directory" dialog (and yes, it works, I have tested this one several hundred times ;)
It would be really great if a magic folder existed so that anything downloaded directly to that folder would be copied ( or moved) with the filters that were already defined. Brilliant work, it is one of my favorite plasmoids and keep up the good work. PS: sorry for my English
You something like a daemon watching a certain directory and moves each file saved there according to magic folders rules? That isn't anything I would let a plasmoid do. Maybe a connected configuration (e.g. to configure both the plasmoid and the daemon from both the plasmoids config dialog and a standalone config dialog).
I think that the plasmoid could/should function as a desktop folder link does, and its own directory (maybe called "Unorganized" or "Unclassified" that sits in the Home Folder) for downloads and program exports. That would take out a step or two, and the Magic Folder is meant to do just that. This would take it further. Thank you for the time and effort you put in.
It's good work :)
Regex like "NamePart1*.pdf" or "NamePart1*" don't seem to work. Is there a trick to do this? Thank you for this great plasmoid!
I'm sorry for not answering in two weeks. Yes, this is indeed a bug, and I think I fixed it.
Thank you, I'll try it out
This is my favourite plasmoid. But i had to reformat my opensuse 11.1. In this case i decided to perform a bigger upgrade before installing everything else. Now i cannot load/install magic folder. I know that the python-kde4 bindings are broken on kde4.2.3. But it is very strange that even installing it form local file, it does not show in the add widget folder. Any idea? Thank you