Animated Emoticons For Kopete
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-fixed some errors in xml file and now that i got a domain i'm hosting the file there so you guys can donwload the file directly withou rapidshare crap. gonna announce a new release (1.2) soon with new emoticons.
- i've just added more and done little changes to xml file, now we have more than 100 emoticons! thanks to dave.
guys, i received a lot of emails asking for transparent backgrounds. because of licensing issues i can't do that and post to download. sorry.
- more emoticons and updated xml
-added more
-added new emoticons.(70 now)
Ratings & Comments
If the author isn't maintaining this emoticon palette please remove asap.
This is some bullshit. Is this even for Kopete? Who are you kidding? What is this doing here?
Its right, his download-link does not work. You'l find them here: http://smiley.smileycentral.com/
Its right, his download-link does not work. You'l find them here: http://smiley.smileycentral.com/
Its right, his download-link does not work. You'l find them here: http://smiley.smileycentral.com/
E ai, kra. Vi pelos screenshots q era brasileiro. Escuta, no 2º screenshot tinha um tema, parece-me q era do superkaramba, onde mostrava o uso de cpu, memória ram e swap. Qual o nome daquele tema? eu achei mto interessante, ai eu qria. Qqr coisa, meu email é andre.vmatos@gmail.com
"File not found"
I cannot download the file!
I love those emoticones ! please put the link again !! Thanks
Fix it, please. I really like this smiles.
Hello there, these em's rule ! What about that link though?
download link is broke, pls fix :)
Very nice Emotion Theme. I've been looking for this kind of theme for a long time. I've tried using the other similiar theme but this is the perfect one to install. Thanks!
...emoticons that are more "simple". These are really..."too much"?!
great work, i love them. I don't suppose you could tell me the name of those sensors/monitors running on your desktop please?
surely :) it's aero theme for superkaramba and you can find it here in kde-look.org at karamba section.
there is now an extended version of this (well including the standard msn emoticons and more of the smileycentral ones posted by me earlier). overall 391!! emoticons, most of them animated! hands did the integration, so thanks a lot to him. you can find the result for now at http://irisa.free.fr/ultimanimated_v1.tar.gz enjoy
I have posted the set on its own here on kde-look along with a screenshot of what's included. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=35561 There are 391 emoticons within the file, but the last time that I installed it in Kopete only 389 seemed to be available. I haven't tried to troubleshoot this yet to find out which ones are missing since I haven't had the time. The rest definitely seem to be working though.
I have taken your file and integrated it with two other separate emoticon theme files from this website. They are the MSN and Yahoo! emoticon files. By doing this, the animated emoticons can be used alongside the MSN emoticons or the Yahoo! emoticons. (I had to edit the xml a very small amount to fix a few conflicts with common symbols in the MSN file.) There is a file for each. I wanted to do this so that when chatting with others you can see the emoticons the way that the other person thinks they'll look. It helps to avoid any possible confusion. (It would also really help if the Kopete developers could make it so that an emoticon theme could be set within an account to override the global emoticon theme.) I have also modified the xml to allow the emoticons to be used with all CAPS. I did this because after using the animated emoticons a bit while chatting with my brother, he wanted to use some of the animated emoticons in his messages (using MSN messenger), but he could only do it by typing the associated text. It didn't work when using all caps. It should work with my new file. I would like to share what I have done. The only problem is that I can't upload the files to this site, and I don't have anywhere else to upload the files.
very nice. as for the upload, that is not a problem. i can host it and post the link here. just send me the file via email (if it is over 8 MB make it several emails) to "kde (at) lemonde (dot) de" cheers
I'm almost releasing 1.0, so if you want your changes to be added please send it to my email(wsjunior at gmail dot com) and I'll proudly add them. Greets,
i found more emoticons for this theme. i modified the script, right now it finds over 400 (there are quite some doubles as well) maybe you want to integrate some of these at least. the script can be downloaded at http://lemonde.de/getsmileys.sh it will take a while to get all of them and its about 15 MB. Have fun!
You can download all of the icons I found this way at this link: http://irisa.free.fr/Animated_full.tar.bz2 I did not remove all the doubles, so it is a 14 MB download.
Thanks very much. I'll download them and put a new release soon :) Greets,
great! so what about the new release? :) cheers