Emerald Icons

Full Icon Themes

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I got sick of everything being blue in Crystal so I've colorized some of the folder icons. I've also mixed and matched some of the better CrystalSVG icons into the set.

To install, download the file from http://files.filefront.com//;7213848;;/

Thanks to Everaldo for the great base!
Last changelog:

0.1.0: Initial release
0.1.1: Added several new folder icons, a few of which are not in the regular Crystal theme.
0.1.2: Folder icons are complete. Added a few application and a hdd icon.
0.2: 2007-04-11. More folder icons, many in 48x48 and 64x64. Also includes action icons.

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http://files.filefront.com//;7213848;;/ man what a disapointment I have been looking for the perfect icons for ghost for a very long time now and 2 day it led me 2 hear and what Damn blowed my excitement on gamefont web page 3 times 2 diferant pc's so it is what it is,.. if U have a download could U Please send it to me at larryrothleutnersr@gmail.com is the same for hotmail if u prefer,.. it would make my doughter the happest kuz she is a dark teal nut or emerald if u prefer,.. T U Larry R


File not found, you will be redirected to http://www.gamefront.com


I have a green theme I'm working on. These stand out from the theme I have nicely -- just enough contrast. I notice that with animated folders, the folder turns blue in the animation. If/when you could update that, that would be cool. I need to get my green theme posted at some point...


they're alright i suppose..if you're looking to make EVERYTHING in your computer green.. i think that icons shouldn't be limited to a color scheme, they should all have colors, tame colors, not too saturated. that way they'll blend nicely with most any color scheme or desktop. Plus, if everything's the same color, it might get a little hard to instantly recognize what you're clicking, which is the goal of good icons.


Just what I've been waiting for... I love them!


I'm not sure if I have the time right now to do a mass conversion of Crystal (also, not every icon needs it IMHO). Tell which apps you'd like done and we'll see!


I don't know if it's al lot of work but can you convert the whole crystal iconset ?


is just great .. I didn't like the blue-ish on my eyes as well. I think we need more color-schemes to go with Crystal. Great work Fab


Yanno, I too sometimes get sick of blue wallpapers and such, but always, *always*, I end up back with a blue-ish background. Why? It's easier on the eyes. I've tried orange, green, black, and almost any color scheme in my time, but end the end -- it's blue. Even back in my old Tandy days, Deskmate was, by default, Blue. It's like the "natural" color of Desktops, I guess. ;) That said, a nice green Crystal set would be nice, and the screen makes the point true enough.


There may aswel come a law wich make all the blue "crap" iligal. I'm also getting sick of all this blue for the desktop. Blue is for M$ wich always make you feel blue.


i am also tired of the blueish stuff !


Now if you could get the green icons over to the apps and the other, that would be just fabo. :)

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version 0.2
downloads 24h 0
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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

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