Using the truglass engine.
Its a bit vista like, glassy.
It looks nice with the linsta theme or Murrina*
And tango or OSX icons.

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.8 : Changed font to Segoe UI, changed inctive window, and some other things. A LOT BETTER.
0.7 : Changed middle glow.
Changed the inactive titlebar.
Ratings & Comments
Too bad i can't test it. If someone may re-upload it i will be very gratefull.
The theme is beautiful, though your buttons get cut off at the top and there's a gap between them and the top. And the titlebar doesn't really look LIKE vista... it looks better :)
just thought i'd mention that this isn't a compiz theme. it's an emerald theme. emerald is the window decorator for both beryl and compiz. you may want to re-sort this download into the proper category. cheers! :D
How do I install it?
where can I get cgwd?
looks like windoze ;[
*sigh* read the description
No reactions or comments ? If you don't say what's wrong with it I can't improve it ;) Cheers