Fresh 'n Clean
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.7 - I really cleaned up my lines and made it look less grey.
1.9 - Added black around the outer edge to give definitions and improve the overall look. I also removed unnecessary "hidden" buttons (hidden because I didn't map a picture to the function) on the window bar. Now titles are centered. I did place a set above/unset above button on the far left side of the window bar. I don't like clutter but once you know where it is you can hit it every time.
Tell me what you think, and if you can come up with a GOOD button for the set above/unset button I'll use it.
Ratings & Comments
Really nice. I like it...
if ur a gnome user, you can match up the colour of amarok to ur gtk theme, if you run the kcontrol center and adjust the theme colour settings. My amarok looks like its gtk built.