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Mac Leopard
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Become a Fan
It should look like Leopard, it's not perfect but it comes quite near. Last changelog:
0.1.3 added new theme called Gnome-White, it's based on the previous theme, but now complete white
0.1.2 added Truglass version
0.1.1 updated help button
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
version 0.1.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1
Other Beryl/Emerald Themes:
Beryl and Emerald are theme decorators used under Compiz to provide window themes.
Themes can also be used with KDE Plasma via Smaragd:

Ratings & Comments
I like it, I don't care what others say about there being clones!
What's your Icon theme pls?
I use this icon theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Simple?content=99470 the icons you see in nautilus are selfmade :) hth
cooooool!! thanks, love this. Mac has one of the BEST GUI in this side of the universe, Vista and now 7 are aproaching with it's glass themes but I still prefer the more Mac, easy on eyes, unobstrubsive, minimalistic and clean. Indeed I LOVE LINUX!! long live linux, the best OS system EVER, and having the smooth beautiful appearance of Mac is pretty cool. And please, come on, KDE is one of the worst, if not THE worst human interface of all times, I'm not talking about it's underlying technology, but the GUI human interface support PLAIN SUCKS. thanks and hope to see much more themes from you dude =D p.d.: for the guy who said "this is linux blah blah blah" regarding giving Linux a Mac appearance... I never liked fanatism, may be he would want to tie himself several bombs and blown some bridge or mall?!! xDDD come on! Linux IS GREAT... but, why have it to be SO UGLY? You want people come closer free open source software etc. etc. etc.? Give'em a fuckin' GOOD GUI MORON!! Not everybody wants/need to know how a motor works to drive a car, OMFG =P=P=P=P best!
cooooool!! thanks, love this. Mac has one of the BEST GUI in this side of the universe, Vista and now 7 are aproaching with it's glass themes but I still prefer the more Mac, easy on eyes, unobstrubsive, minimalistic and clean. Indeed I LOVE LINUX!! long live linux, the best OS system EVER, and having the smooth beautiful appearance of Mac is pretty cool. And please, come on, KDE is one of the worst, if not THE worst human interface of all times, I'm not talking about it's underlying technology, but the GUI human interface support PLAIN SUCKS. thanks and hope to see much more themes from you dude =D p.d.: for the guy who said "this is linux blah blah blah" regarding giving Linux a Mac appearance... I never liked fanatism, may be he would want to tie himself several bombs and blown some bridge or mall?!! xDDD come on! Linux IS GREAT... but, why have it to be SO UGLY? You want people come closer free open source software etc. etc. etc.? Give'em a fuckin' GOOD GUI MORON!! Not everybody wants/need to know how a motor works to drive a car, OMFG =P=P=P=P best!
Let me see the dock
hmm why dose everyone fight over this? people are always like "windows clone windows clone!!" or "mac clone mac clone" why don't you people stop harassing others for what they like? truthfully and proudly i love the leopard themes so thats why i use them? is that so wrong. and i don't care what you like so keep it to yourself! ok look here's a simple way to put it, i can do whatever I want with MY desktop/computer so stop harassing me about it.
hmm why dose everyone fight over this? people are always like "windows clone windows clone!!" or "mac clone mac clone" why don't you people stop harassing others for what they like? truthfully and proudly i love the leopard themes so thats why i use them? is that so wrong. and i don't care what you like so keep it to yourself! ok look here's a simple way to put it, i can do whatever I want with MY desktop/computer so stop harassing me about it.
Just another Windows/mac nock off. it was ok until tons of these started coming in. I will not use this theme. It isn't original. If I want a mac theme I will buy a mac. Linux deserves a theme all of its own.
That's your opinion. I'll use the theme myself. Your loss buddy.
I'd buy a Mac if I had the money to do so. Meanwhile, I'm keeping GNOME as my primary desktop environment.
So, i suppose you're not that fan of linux or kde. You're trying to make linux look like a mac. i know, some may say that it looks cool, and i won't argue. But look around - there're hundreds of mac clones here! Be different! Think out your own theme! Honestly, i'm jealous to those windos users as they can theme their systems with styleXP and WindowBlinds with SO MANY themes! Just visit any theming portal for windows - i know, it's 'enemy territory', but just get some ideas! try to copy come of those themes - if you really can't think out anything new.
No comment. Some like it, some don't like it. I think the benefit of Linux isn't the look, it's the usability if you'd like to work with your machine. For example you want to write a FORTRAN program so what you'll do? I tell ya, just open Synaptic search for FORTRAN and you get a FORTRAN compiler. That's it! Can you do the same in any other OS? Don't think so. So I wanna say I love Linux, but I don't have to like KDE, which I btw really don't like, I prefer GNOME. But thats an other story... kind regards
hey it's cool! without mac4lin and this stuff i think i wouldn't use linux. though the main reason i use linux is cos of it's philosophy, but i just can't stand the looks of it. sorry for other themers, but mac4lin is just the slickest, cleanest, compact, most professional looking of all the themes here. and this one just suits well with it. looks affects my mood and in turn affects its usability to me. keep it up! thanks! :)
Well, it's only the appearance - Celeste Paul (seele) is a Usabiltiy expert on Planet KDE. And she says Apple's pruducts really sucks judging to usability. They compensate it with their look. I can't argue.
mac4lin isn't an apple product. it's just a theme and it doesn't, at any rate, affect gnome's usability.:)
Yeah, you're right. Anyway - we're free to choose, that's why we are Linux, right? =) And about loving or hating KDE - i's subscribed on RSS and didn't mention that the link was to GNOME-look, not KDE-look. Sorry, i was really sure that you're kde user )) but still, i hope you'll stop cloning some day and invent something new. Or at least begin to clone something, that noone cloed before - like Thallos, Aluminum alloy, Sentinel and others themes for MS Windows. Good luck.
it's very nice! thanks! one comment though, the font is not customizable. you should've add that feature.. cheers
I think you can do that quite easy. Just open the emerald themer, choose the Mac Leopard Theme, then choose Edit Themes and then you should see a tab called Titlebar. After that there should be something like "Title-Text Font" visible and there you could change the font style. hopefully :)
yeah, just figured it out. im a noob :) thanks!