Reluna DeKorator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The Reluna theme for DeKorator!
This is a port of Bant's Reluna 3 Visual Style for Windows, one of my favorite themes when I used that OS. It is not a 1:1 port due to DeKorator's limitations and my complete inability to code a kwin theme. You can find Bant's deviantart page here http://bant.deviantart.com/ and the original VS here http://bant.deviantart.com/art/Reluna-3-14801572.
Installation is easy, just read the included README. If you have archlinux, I've uploaded a PKGBUILD to the AUR. You can find info on tweaking DeKorator to look like the screenshots in the README as well.
Included in the download are:
* All three DeKorator colors/types of Reluna.
* Color schemes to match.
Enjoy! Last changelog:
This is a port of Bant's Reluna 3 Visual Style for Windows, one of my favorite themes when I used that OS. It is not a 1:1 port due to DeKorator's limitations and my complete inability to code a kwin theme. You can find Bant's deviantart page here http://bant.deviantart.com/ and the original VS here http://bant.deviantart.com/art/Reluna-3-14801572.
Installation is easy, just read the included README. If you have archlinux, I've uploaded a PKGBUILD to the AUR. You can find info on tweaking DeKorator to look like the screenshots in the README as well.
Included in the download are:
* All three DeKorator colors/types of Reluna.
* Color schemes to match.
0.1 Initial Release
0.2 Finished adding buttons
Ratings & Comments
Could you describe the limitations in deKorator that you ran into? I am looking what I can improve there. Thanks.
Sure thing! I'll put my comments over on the kde-look dekorator page.
found a little glitch. If the window width is very small it looks a bit ugly, because the buttons have dark background, but left of the buttons you see the light blue from the left end...
Yes, and there's no real way to get around this. I might tweak a *little* more to make it less pronounced, but dekorator simply doesn't 'stretch' anything, it won't expand a gradient. Instead, you can place either side of a gradient on the ends and place a repeating graphic in the middle - usually only one pixel wide to avoid weird cyclic stuff. If I could code kwin, it might work better. Sadly, I can't :/.
my bad... i deleted qtcurves config files and now everything looks smooth.
what style are you using there? i tried all presets in qtcurve settings, but it never looked as in your shot.
I thought I was using the default! It must be some custom thing I did and forgot about. Sorry for being unhelpful.
Could you paste here the contents of ~/.config/qtcurvestylerc ? Anyway, thanks for this great window decoration!
I'm pretty sure it's the default. [Settings] shadeSliders=origselected version=0.62.6
Yes, you are right. I deleted the file .config/qtcurvestylerc and I obtained the same result. For the users who want a config file that can be imported in the configuration dialog of QtCurve, I paste the settings which I obtain when I export the default style (I exported the default style because one cannot be sure that the default will remain the same in future versions of QtCurve): [Settings] activeTabAppearance=flat animatedProgress=false appearance=soft borderMenuitems=false buttonEffect=shadow colorSelTab=false colorTitlebarOnly=false coloredMouseOver=glow comboSplitter=false crButton=true crHighlight=false customCheckRadioColor=#000000 customMenuNormTextColor=#000000 customMenuSelTextColor=#000000 customMenuTextColor=false customMenubarsColor=#000000 customShades=1.16,1.07,0.9,0.78,0.84,0.75 customSlidersColor=#000000 customgradient1=3d,0,1.2,0.5,1,1,1 customgradient2=3d,0,0.9,0.5,1,1,1 darkerBorders=false defBtnIndicator=glow drawStatusBarFrames=false embolden=false fadeLines=true fillProgress=true fillSlider=true fixParentlessDialogs=false flatSbarButtons=true focus=line framelessGroupBoxes=true grooveAppearance=inverted groupBoxLine=true gtkButtonOrder=false gtkComboMenus=false gtkScrollViews=false handles=sunken highlightFactor=3 highlightScrollViews=false highlightTab=false inactiveHighlight=false inactiveTitlebarAppearance=customgradient2 lighterPopupMenuBgnd=2 lvAppearance=bevelled lvLines=false mapKdeIcons=true menuStripe=false menuStripeAppearance=gradient menubarAppearance=flat menubarMouseOver=true menuitemAppearance=fade passwordChar=9679 progressAppearance=dullglass progressGrooveAppearance=inverted progressGrooveColor=dark round=extra roundMbTopOnly=true scrollbarType=kde selectionAppearance=harsh shadeCheckRadio=none shadeMenubarOnlyWhenActive=false shadeMenubars=none shadeSliders=none shading=hsl sliderAppearance=soft sliderStyle=triangular sliderThumbs=flat splitters=flat squareScrollViews=false stdSidebarButtons=false stripedProgress=none sunkenAppearance=soft sunkenScrollViews=true tabAppearance=soft thinnerMenuItems=false titlebarAlignment=left titlebarAppearance=customgradient1 titlebarButtonAppearance=gradient toolbarAppearance=flat toolbarBorders=none toolbarSeparators=sunken useHighlightForMenu=false vArrows=true version=0.62.8 xCheck=false