My gentoo kde desktop with compiz-fusion. The wallpager come from deviant art The emerald theme its a modification of the pure theme to have vista buttons. Widget style is QTCurve
1] What you need?
Emerald whith emerald theme manager. I use compiz fusion
One you have Emerald and QtCurve double click on FbnPure2.kth to load kde theme. In kde control center open Appearance & themes > Style Select QtCurve in Widget Style and press configure Click Options > Import... Load the fbnpure2.qtcurve file Open Emerald theme manager Click Import... and load the file fbnpure2.emerald Select it on the themes lists. To set kicker background rightclick on the kicker Panel menu > Configure pannel > Appearance Check "Enable background image" and load the file kickerbackground.png
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1 Comment
That is pretty cool, if you could manage to get the window boarders to look more like the background that would be amazing.