Mak-Taste Bespin
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Softer Colour theme
- Using Global Menu
- Configuration updated to latest bespin (r122
- Modified the Gentle Color Scheme slightly (results in gtk apps having same color of title bar as qt apps)
Ratings & Comments
Where ar you found this icons theme Thx ^^ :p
comes with bespin... (svn) only svgs, you need inkscape & imagemagick to run a generation script
Erfff je sais pas faire moi :/ je suis un bite avec les icons
Sorry in english is better Erfff I do not know me : / I'm a dick with the icons
let's assume i'd speak some french - i'd then think that you call yourself names and ask on howto create the icons... ;-) a) install svn*, inkscape & imagemagick (graphicsmagick is ok as well) b) get the bespin source: svn co c) enter the icons directory: cd cloudcity/icons d) call "./" -> wait. wait longer. link the folder "nmfnms" to your icon directory ln -s $PWD/nmfnms ~/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms run the icon setup "kcmshell4 icons", select the theme, apply, done :) * you can also skip svn and fetch a dump of the current sources here:
Hey Thomas, Thanks for providing these instructions. :) P.S. I don't speak any French at all. :P
that script thingy is really great ;) finally an easy way for me to get icons in any color i can imagine.. thanks ;)
Hello guys, I have a problem with linking the folder with the icons. All goes well with the procedure, but when I type "ln -s $PWD/nmfnms ~/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms", I get the following error in my konsole "... ln: «/home/alex/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms»: there is no such file or directory" Since I am a newbie, I would appreciate if you could guide me on the steps that I have to go in order to make the icons work (linking of the icons folder) !! (I am running kubuntu 10.10 64 bit.) Thanks in advance! I am very enthusiast with your theme, can't wait to see those icons work!! Alex
Hello guys, I have a problem with linking the folder with the icons. All goes well with the procedure, but when I type "ln -s $PWD/nmfnms ~/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms", I get the following error in my konsole "... ln: «/home/alex/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms»: there is no such file or directory" Since I am a newbie, I would appreciate if you could guide me on the steps that I have to go in order to make the icons work (linking of the icons folder) !! (I am running kubuntu 10.10 64 bit.) Thanks in advance! I am very enthusiast with your theme, can't wait to see those icons work!! Alex
run mkdir -p "~/.kde/share/icons" first, while for a symbolic link the target (first parameter) doesn't have to exist at all (the link then oc. points nowhere either) the hook can (as any other file) only be placed into an existing directory (since ~/.kde/share/icons is present on most accounts as it's created the moment you install an icon theme, i just omitted that precedence ;-)
Well thanks for answering! However those icons still can't make them work. I made the directory as you told me, with: mkdir -p "~/.kde/share/icons" and then I run : alex@alex-ubuntu:~/cloudcity/icons$ ln -s $PWD/nmfnms ~/.kde/share/icons/nmfnms. But when I run the "kcmshell4 icons" there is no option for me to choose the bespin icons or something that corresponds to bespin theme!! The only options I have for the icons are the defaults (I guess), which are : Ubuntu Mono, Oxygen, Loginicons, Humanity Dark, Humanity, GNome and Crystal SVG. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Alex