This theme is based partially on PUNX69's LightGrey theme, thanks for the great work! I've edited the emerald/compiz them to make color changes easy, make your own edits and upload them!

Required: Domino >=0.4, Beryl/Compiz, and KDE 3 (I think everything after and including 3.4 should work, I used 3.5.6).
Installation: open kcontrol and emerald theme manager, import and apply the appropriate files. For detailed instructions, see the README.
Fix gtk button text somehow
Find a way to make toolbar text the window text color (white) instead of the button text color (black)
Figure out how PUNX69 got gtk-qt-engine to make domino's scrollbars look nice
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
I don't find this blue relaxing... I would better say it's stormy.