You may want to use Art of Kappuccino since it is a KDE version of this theme originally created for GNOME users and it's designed to make all apps look the same even if you use KDE apps into Gnome often. Of course you can use all of this in a pure KDE too.
In these instructions I'll show you how to configure KDE with Art Of Kappuccino so that it looks like Murrine.
The Color Scheme has to be applied in Kcontrol, so, if you don't have it, download it and install it (Ubuntu users can find every package I'll list here in Synaptic).
Download and install QTCurve (You can find it in this site or in Synaptic if you use Ubuntu Feisty). Run Kcontrol and load the color scheme, then move to style, select QTCurve and Configure it.
Under Option, choose to Import a qtcurve file and choose the one contained in this package. Choose an appropriate Icon set (I suggest the Human Icon set) and you're done

The Art of Cappuccino Theme aims to bring you the peaceful and nice feeling of having a Cappuccino in a tranquil and elegant Bar, plus it will summon in your mind the pleasure of an artistically prepared Cappuccino Cup. I don't know if you ever came across one of those bar where a Cup of Cappuccino is not just a quick bar prepared beverage but a real piece of Art... I did and am pleased of it.
This Theme exists thanks to an inspiration given by the always great and wonderful Light Coffee Theme ( szerencsefia. I found this theme the most lovely ever created for Linux and then created one of my own to modify and expand that feeling of peace and serenity.
Art Of Cappuccino is entirely designed by me, is not a copy of anything and its original artwork. You can download, modify and o whatever you whant with this. See License.
Visit my website for further instructions and a comprehensive list of my works (The link is right under my username and picture).
Programs used to create this Theme were only opensource and in particular:
- The Gimp
- Delineate (To convert bitmap files to vectorial format)
- Inkscape (To work with vectorial graphics)
- Evolvotron (To create nice fractal backgrounds)
- gdmthemetester
- agave (For nice color matching)
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