(KDE) HowTwo win2k
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
includes updated Redmondfixed theme to fix several color issues ie: mostly titlbar colors.
August 7 (pst) 2008 - updated to sync with latest updates of color theme, etc.. + Noting the screenshot - urs may diff. depending on what side image you chose, etc... (I got tired of the Win logos & also now use konq) - The GG Kmenu side shown is included and comes with the template to make your own ie: open up gimp, etc.. and add the typing, etc.. of what you want the kmenu side to say, etc..
Jun. 23 2008 - first upload to kde-look.
Ratings & Comments
I ran Win2k for several years. The Win 98-like desktop was ugly. Nuff said.
ahah good...i really don't like it but it's quite perfect....good job
I voted good even though I hate it, this would fool a lot of people! Nice work