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if u want to change button layout push ALT + F2 then start the gconf-editor now browse to apps -> metacity -> general -> button_layout here i tipped menu:minimize,maximize,close and the buttons should be back in the right corner again

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Hi, just so you know, this is a great mod, but ubuntu has an ambiance version with the buttons on the right side
I didn't notice the changes to the buttons... That looks very nice and clean. Personaly, I've removed the buttons. I have assigned some of the buttons on my keyboard to perform those tasks. Pressing a key, is so much faster than having to move your cursor up in the corner. It's a silly win 3.1 idea. that somehow still exists. Imagine that instead of right clicking your mouse. You had to left click and then press a button up in a corner. That would be silly and so is the min. max. close buttons. So, instead of using the ubuntu forums to discuss whether the buttons should be on the right or left. We should discuss whether they should be there at all ! Sorry, Bignono. This has nothing to do with your excellent work. I just wanted to say it.
no problem :D
it's one of the best ambience mods i've seen. the buttons are right, and it looks pretty nice :-)
thx :D
It looks the same to me. What have you changed ?
click on the second preview here u can see what i have changed :D
But as you mentioned yourself. That change is made in gconf. !?
he took out the oval background thing (indent) and made each button have their own small indent.
thx padster for explain it my english is not very well ... ;)