XML animated background creator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This script automatically creates a wallpaper .xml with images from the folder in which you run the script.
In other words, create wallpapers like this:
The images are placed in alphabetical order, for example, you can sort images in this way:
1.png 2.png 3.png
And the order will be that.
You can choose the time between wallpapers, and animation time by default is 5 seconds.
Download the file from here, extract, and then run install.sh
If you can't see xmlback in the nautilus scripts menu, move the file xmlback mannually to
If the folder doesn't exists, then create it.
Enjoy it
-- Nautilus Script --
0.2.-Optimized version. Improved runtime and fixes a problem that was generated because comments in some versions of bash. Thanks to nunacho from chilecomparte.cl.
0.3 - Added time selection dialog and "put as background now" option.
0.4 - Bug from the commentaries fixed.
08/01/10 - Because commentaries I added more options, now you can select the animation time (0-10 seconds) and put a custom name to the .xml file.
- Now, script search for tempfile, if it doesn't exist, use mktemp, if mktemp doesn't exists, then show an error message.
- If you finish the script before you create the xml file, the temp files are removed. This was a little bug.
- I have added a lot of "echo" in the script, so, if it crash, you can debug it.
- Optimized. (thanks to nunacho)
- It not depends of tempfile or mktemp
- Added language support capability, languages supported: English, Spanish
- Changed the interval of the lenght of the wallpaper (1-120 minutes)
- Now you can enter custom nautilus dialog for the script
-- Desktop application --
0.7 - Added .deb package, and some changes.
Ratings & Comments
I like the theme in the screenshot what's it's name, can I download it somewhere here?
First and second screenshot gtk theme is chromium I believe... I'm not shure, and I cant find this theme... it don't "exists" any moore. The third screenshot is Elementary that I installed from PPA.
this is not a script problem, the problem is a bug in the gnome program that change the wallpapers with the xml file... I don't know which application do this work, so I can't fix it.
For some reason this won't change my background...the picture changes in the appearance settings window and if I change the background, then switch back it will be the new background. Any thoughts?
Is the generated XML file any different in this version (aside not having to manually change the time intervals)? Also, how do we add custom dialog? By changing the script itself?
The xml file is the same, I don't know why it shoud be different, I can't change the structure for this files, but the script has been optimized a lot. I must say that if xml backgrounds or the transitions don't work fine for you, it's not problem of the script, the script only create the background. The custom dialog for nautilus is the name of the script, it's as simple as change the name of the script. It don't create an extra menu for nautilus, I think it's not necesary. The most important thing in this version is the language support.
Could you allow the timing slider to let me default background images for as little as, say, three or four minutes (while leaving the default at five)? I usually manually change the xml file manually to bring the 300 seconds down to 240 seconds, but it would be nice if you could allow shorter display times on your slider.
This script totally crashed nautilus on my system. The script created an xml file with no images in it, it seems nautilus doesn't like that. The reason is that I don't have the 'tempfile' utility on my system. What I have is mktemp. So if I replace FILES=$(tempfile with FILES=$(mktemp) it works. Maybe a check, that the utility is available would be good
You can fix this problem adding this lines at the beginning: ################################ if [ -f /bin/tempfile ]; then echo "using tempfile ..." FILES=$(tempfile) else if [ -f /bin/mktemp ]; then echo "using mktemp ..." FILES=$(mktemp) else echo "error: mktemp or tempfile not found ..." zenity --error --text "You will need tempfile or mktemp utility!! " exit fi fi #################################### I will upload a new version with the changes. Thanks
I am taking into account comments. Thanks for the suggestions. Add options such as animation time could be somewhat risky, I do not know if it will work well to other times, in fact, sometimes the transitions stop working, no problem of the script, but gnome. I might add, but would be great to have in one window all the options instead of many different windows, unfortunately I do not know how to do that with zenity, I think you can't. May be in python with pygtk in the future.
It is by default to name the .xml as background.xml, however it is not good for file management, I modify it to be able to name the .xml personally, here are the codes for your reference: #BACK=backgrounds.xml #The following lines are added by Paul on 2010/01/08 zenity --question --text "Name the .xml file as background.xml by default?" QUEST=$? if [ $QUEST -eq 0 ]; then BACK=backgrounds.xml else NAMEXML=$(zenity --entry --text "Input the name of .xml background file") BACK=$NAMEXML.xml fi
I just open xmlback and change the name from =background to the name of the folder then rename xmlback to the name of the folder, place that folder in my home folder double click the xxxx.xml click run and it is good to go ! Ether way,What ever makes it work !
To a noobie this is rather vague,the down load has two items in it, can you explain step by step how to implement these items, when I upload something I provide detailed instructions, so even the new people get a chance to play! other than that, I have it working and functions well ! Thanks for the script ! I voted up !
And do you know of a way to use "overlay" or another type of "crossfade" script with this, So to make the transition slower, kind of fade from one to the next, it would be great to have the option to set the transition time as well as the duration ! Great work BTW !
Hey, Your script has a bug. For me it generates an xml file that's somehow incomplete. Say I have four photos in my cycle folder (jpg), the script will generate the following: static (1.jpg), transition 1 to 2, static 2, transition 2 to 3, static 3, transition 3 to 4, and end there (meaning 4.jpg is never my background image). Could you please fix your script so that it would complete the loop?? Also, your install script didn't work for me. I had to manually copy the xmlback over to my nautilus scripts folder.
Yes, it's true, I will patch it. the first version worked, but to optimize the code, I forgot to add the last line of the xml, which corresponds to a process that is made out of for. Tú puedes agregarla manualmente si deseas, es fácil.
Fixed. About the install script, I don't know why it don't work for you, because for me it works fine.
Yo lo agregaba manualmente cada vez, pero no es muy práctico. Gracias por corregirlo :D
Te felicito por tu trabajo, y gracias!