Description: Player-Skin's for XMMS / Audacious / Winamp 5 Inlet-Skin's for XMMS VUmeter-Skin for XMMS - VU-meter plugin Version >= 0.9.2 and Audacious - Analog VU meter plugin >= 0.4
!! NEW !!
Inlet-Skin's for Compiz Fusion To use the possibilities of Compiz Fusion, install the Inlet-Skin's in Your XMMS-Skins directory. Go into the Options-Menu of XMMS and activate: "Show Windowmanager-Decorations"
You can use the Inlet-Skin's with another Windowmanager too.
Player-Skin's including Video-Player and Media Library for Winamp.
For Installation of the Player-Skin and for Download of the VUmeter-Skin 's have a look at:
( or ( changelog:
2007/09/20 Shuffle-Button changed, Video-Player and Media-Library for Winamp 5 added. 2007/10/31 H-K Player and Inlet-Skin's for Compiz added.
Thank you for your reply,I visited the website ( ) ,but it is a blue wallpaper not the red one.In any event
thank you again.
The red wallpaper is from the screenshot
of "H-K Suite - GDM Theme"
It derives from "Blue Swirl"
Thank You !
Ratings & Comments
thank you mate.
Thank you for your reply,I visited the website ( ) ,but it is a blue wallpaper not the red one.In any event thank you again.
nice skin !where can i get the red wallpaper?
The red wallpaper is from the screenshot of "H-K Suite - GDM Theme" ( It derives from "Blue Swirl" ( Thank You !
Fianlly to get XMMS to go with my theme! yey!
what are you using for your main menu? great skin by the way
Thx, The Main-Menu in the second screenshot is "Kore for KBFX" (
oh by the way. For a PROPER how-to about installing this plugin, have a look on my website.
No comment yet?! -> Very nice skin there ! Well done !