Ubuntu chlorophyl splash screen
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
If you guys dont use Ubuntu, just STFU, get the Xara source file and change it to your favorite distro.
Thanks man, it exactly fits into my system what is having on the newest design today - look here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=53179
Dont hesitate to take or modify it :)
Thanks for your clever comment Mangkorn. I've nothing to answer to you, fellows. Ubuntu uses Gnome... Would it not be clear enough for your mind? I really don't understand this strange new fashion spreading into many sites, to slap on Ubuntu as soon as possible... Philistinism for Philistine, by Philistine... Even in Linux community. Sad days...
why don't you just quit complaining and move along..
Hi. Maybe I'll stone you, but I have my own "original" activites (see my home - it's in french, sorry). On the other hand, I like Ubuntu... I know it's a shame, but the french community needs graphic stuff for its development. This is not a "waste of time", to me. I don't know the many others Linux distributions, i'm simply not keen on, sorry. Actually, the real question is : Linux is freedom to choose. I choose Ubuntu and I'm perfectly happy with it. So, choose what you enjoy & work for it ;)
But this is GNOME-look not Ubuntu-look. Dont they have a graphics section at their forums? Ahh here we go: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=16
don´t you see that is gnom, means every Linux system? do think your comment is fair? it is nice work, may you are jealous? If you watsch that link you gave you have to see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=17ac73dba084e7dd23fcc9c5b4ec54e7&t=1940 too. I think you dont see the work just want to comment something
You have good skills, but why waste them on dumping more stuff into the huge Ubuntu pile? Please, people like you who have good skills please start making things original again... I am tried of logging onto this page seeing the 987987987 Ubuntu logo slapped onto something...