Fusion-GX-v00 [200911-21]
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fusion-Fluke-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/115833-1.jpg
Fusion-Gris-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/115833-2.jpg
Fusion-Fppg-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/115833-3.jpg
Estas son otras Xsplash con animacion nueva.
La hice con Blender y Gimp. El fondo de la version gris es de la produccion de elephants dream que tembien esta bajo crative commons. Mas informacion de elephants dream ElephantsDream.org
Quiza cambie los fondos de la version cafe... aun no lo se
I make this xsplash using using for the animation (totally new) opensource, Blender and Gimp.
Background of version "Fusion-Gris" is part of Elephants dream, more info ElephantsDream.org Last changelog:
Fusion-Gris-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/115833-2.jpg
Fusion-Fppg-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/115833-3.jpg
Estas son otras Xsplash con animacion nueva.
La hice con Blender y Gimp. El fondo de la version gris es de la produccion de elephants dream que tembien esta bajo crative commons. Mas informacion de elephants dream ElephantsDream.org
Quiza cambie los fondos de la version cafe... aun no lo se
I make this xsplash using using for the animation (totally new) opensource, Blender and Gimp.
Background of version "Fusion-Gris" is part of Elephants dream, more info ElephantsDream.org
Agregamos/Add Fusion-Fppg-GX-v00 screenshot → http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/115833-3.jpg
"Fusion-Cafe-GX-v00" sigue/continue en/in la/the carpeta/folder de/of descarga/download, pero/but aqui/here no se ve screenshot
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
Very nice! But how do I install in on Lucid Lynx 10.04?
sorry but i just don't know how. There is different systems of "splash", karmic use xsplash and lucid use Plymouth. I would like to make some new splash for the plymouth... so if you find the way to make a splash for Plymouth share me the info please.
how do u make custom throbbers?
to make de anomation blender, o make the trobber gimp. you need to make an animation of 50 frames with blender, then you put the render in gimp :) is easy
i don't know how to use blender, and how do u make a 2d animation with a 3d modelling program?
well, to don't how to use blender is a little problem, but just a little... That animations are really 3d models but because i change the camera perspective to ortogonal, that's why looks like 2d, but it really are 3d, look at this http://www.mediafire.com/i/?jbndz0ivgm5
i thought it must be something like that. do u know any good tutorials i could use?
Of corse User manual: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:Manual Video Tutorial: http://blendertips.com/ http://blendercookie.com/ http://www.adventuresinblender.com/cgi-bin/aib_scripts/hw.pl?paged=42 http://www.youtube.com/ward7299 http://www.youtube.com/cganim8or http://cgcookie.com/ http://www.cgcookie.com/articles/2009/03/12/enhance-your-blender-renderings-with-textured-lighting http://totallyblended.com/ http://www.blenderguru.com/the-secret-to-creating-realistic-grass/ http://filmmakeriq.com/general/featured/555-blender-tutorials.html
Hi. The backgrounds are very pretty, though any chance of getting them in a distro agnostic form? Thanks!
Sorry, but I do not understand... what kind of licence or distribution is that?
One that isnt tied specifically to a distro (i.e. without the Ubuntu text).
You can use it http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Fusion?content=116051
Awesome! Thanks!
Very nice work! I like all. :)