3 Dark Kingdom
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Ratings & Comments
I did a new version of your Linux Evolution splash and was wondering if you would mind if I uploaded it? Thanks (I tried sending you this from your profile page but I don't think it worked)
Just save the image Then go to System -> Preferences -> Splash Screen and add it. Really nice one
How do you download splash screens? Im so confused can someone help me? Either post back on this thread or Email me at Linux4HumanBeings@gmail.com
Before mehul instruction you must download (if you haven't) gnome-splashscreen-manager. Good Luck
It is nice, but I do not know how to put it to work.
Are you using KDE or Gnome?
I'm really not sure, since I'm not using gnome. But it must be very simple, since everyboady uploads just simple png-images to the screensplash-area. There must be something like a gnome control center or similar.
Is there anybody, using gnome on gnome-look.org, capable of explaining to a newby how to install a splashscreen with gnome?
I guess there is!
Applications/Preferences/Session And you can change splash images there.
yeah i would also want to know how to install it, i have gnome
funny...but could you make one without mac and win logo, please??? thx
I will give it a try in the next few days!
Just take a look here: http://www.tsamedien.com/data/galerie/data/html/linux/linux_home.html I think, you'll get along with this.
I am not that good, but here is what I got. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2382/2153736194_27665e79dc_o.png