download the package for Ubuntu : msn_emotions_pidgin.deb Fedora : pidgin-emotions-msn-1.0-2.noarch.rpm and install it.
download the emotions.tar.gz archive extrack and move the folder in /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/emotes Use the command => sudo nautilus
or extrack and insert the folder emotions to your /home and with terminal sudo cp -pr /home/user/emotions/happy_emotions /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/emotes
user = your name
In order to use go to : pidgin - Tools - Preferences - Themes & Smileys and choose msn emotions.Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
It can by verry usefull if you have MSN account in pidgin to have the same smiley set as your friend in Live Messenger... Creative common or not :D
These are the exact emotions that hotmail uses.
Are this emoticons licensed by Microsoft (or whoever owns them) with the Creative Commons license?