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I personally don't much care for the post-Tango gnome icon theme that first started coming out around the 2.16 release. The edges are much less sharp, and the changed aesthetic just doesn't appeal to me. Unfortunately, 2.16 was also the first release to use a newer icon naming system that led to many icons simply not working if you merely copied over the old icon theme. So i've taken matters into my own hands

This is the old pre-2.16 Gnome icon theme, modified and repackaged to work with modern (as of 2.32) Gnome desktops. I did not create any of these icons, rather i merely collected them from various sources (gnome-icon-theme, individual gnome apps) and threw a bunch of symlinks in for compatability. It's been a personal work-in-progress for several years, and i'm releasing it now in case anyone else shares my sense of aesthetics.

It's got pretty good (roughly 90%) coverage of even a current gnome desktop, without having drawn any new icons, though in future releases, i may attempt to modify existing icons in here (as well as scrounging up others from past software releases) to get a wider coverage. I'm also considering including details such as the pre-2.8 trash icon (The one at a 3/4 viewing angle) if anyone wants that.

I've also enclosed a small patch to Nautilus, to enable the use of the old 75% (36x36 pixel) icon zoom that was used in older releases, to get a more authentic experience

Reports of missing icons, or requests for more app icons (I've snagged a number of common ones already) are welcome.
Last changelog:

0.1.0 - Initial release
0.1.1 - Add proper Gnome logo for panel menu, along with Force Quit and Separator applets. Also fixed icon sizes in XFce application menu.

Ratings & Comments



Download link is 404'd, sadly. :(


9 +


I'm using it now. It is much better than the modern icons gnome.


This is a wonderfully nostalgic theme. The only way it could be any more perfect would be to have the gnome foot instead of the Ubuntu logo as the menu button. But again- wonderful job!


Thank you for the suggestion! That put me on the trail of a couple of icons missing from the theme :) Turns out they were hiding in Gnome-panel's package instead of gnome-icon-theme. OldGNOME2 will now proudly display the classic GNOME 2 logo on your panel menu. :)


Wow, I've never had such a quick response to a suggestion before. Thank you so much! This is really a beautiful theme that I will use for a long time. Actually on a side note- what theme are you using in those screenshots?


The theme is one of my own creation called Neotif ( ) And i'm glad you enjoy the theme, though the credit really goes to Jimmac and the other Gnome artists :)


Ahh of course, but you ressurected them! I've always really disliked the Tango theme and was really confused as to why they switched to it. Anyway, I actually realized it was your own art just before you replied as I looked into your profile but now I'll ask if you can help me to install your theme- I'm not really sure how to install the Lighthouseblue engine (I'm new to the engines business), could you please tell me how it's done? Again thanks!


Well, the GTK engine installs just like any other compiled program, so if you've manually built anything from source, it'll be a familiar procedure First, extract the gtk-engines-lighthouseblue tarball whever you have other compiled code (I use ~/Devel myself) Next, open up a terminal window and (assuming you're running Ubuntu), run sudo apt-get build-essential and sudo apt-get build-dep gtk2-engines That will set up all the packages needed to compile this (which will probably be quite a bit of stuff if you've never compiled anything before) Now, you're redady to compile. In your terminal window, cd to the directory you extracted the source tarball in (e.g. cd ~/Devel/gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue-2.7.5-eq1.1 ) now, run ./configure --prefix=/usr Normally, you don't want to install stuff to /usr, but since this is adding something to GTK, you need it there. That will print out a whole bunch of stuff, but assuming nothing errors our, run "make", and if that's successful, run "sudo make install" And if nothing errors there, selecting the Neotif theme in appearance properties should look like the screenshots :) If you need further help, please PM me, so we don't clog this comment section too much!


Well, the GTK engine installs just like any other compiled program, so if you've manually built anything from source, it'll be a familiar procedure First, extract the gtk-engines-lighthouseblue tarball whever you have other compiled code (I use ~/Devel myself) Next, open up a terminal window and (assuming you're running Ubuntu), run sudo apt-get build-essential and sudo apt-get build-dep gtk2-engines That will set up all the packages needed to compile this (which will probably be quite a bit of stuff if you've never compiled anything before) Now, you're redady to compile. In your terminal window, cd to the directory you extracted the source tarball in (e.g. cd ~/Devel/gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue-2.7.5-eq1.1 ) now, run ./configure --prefix=/usr Normally, you don't want to install stuff to /usr, but since this is adding something to GTK, you need it there. That will print out a whole bunch of stuff, but assuming nothing errors our, run "make", and if that's successful, run "sudo make install" And if nothing errors there, selecting the Neotif theme in appearance properties should look like the screenshots :) If you need further help, please PM me, so we don't clog this comment section too much!


I had a massive nostalgia attack when I saw this, it took me back to Debian Woody.


thank you! however in Xfce, there are some hiccups. The menu, for example: and some of the old emblems are still there:


Thanks for the feedback! I've run into the emblem issue, but i'm a little bit baffled when it comes to fixing it... I'll look into it a little more this weekend. And thanks for testing this in xfce. :) I'll see if i can't get that fixed too.


I've fixed the desktop menu in XFce! At least, the icons all looked the right size in a fresh Xubuntu Natty VM. I'm still not sure about the Emblems--Gnome has the exact same trouble.


to each his own?


Hello. Could you please upload it again, the download link is not working for me.


Re-uploaded! Thank you for pointing this out.


Thank you! these icons are awesome.


I love the gtk theme and the window decorator theme, please let me know what they are and if possible, where I can download those. Thank you! And happy new year!


I'm glad you like it! It's my own custom work, the Metacity theme is original, and the GTK theme is based on LighthouseBlue, so it's a bit tricksy to get working. I'll see if i can get something into distributable shape in a couple of days


Thank you very much! I searched such theme and try to make it several times, because old Gnome icons are near perfect of art.


I've been looking for such a theme.


Then i'm glad i could help :)

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version 0.1.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 6

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.