elementary Pidgin
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
First Release.
All icon are now SVG and all XML file are created for fit at any resolution (from 11x11 to 48x4.
New Invisible icon.
Totally New Theme. Better fit and fixed major issues.
Ratings & Comments
Awesome theme! Can you create same theme for Gajim?
I'm working on it! Stay tune!
Thanks for sharing this with us. I just love seeing all the Humanity theme compliments being released lately--really great job on this.
thanks =)
This looks nice, but where can I select the theme in Pidgin ? I extracted and moved the 'Humanity' folder into ~/.purple/themes/ but where in the pidgin interface can you change the theme ? I still have the default theme...
It is in the preference window, but only for version 2.6.x
U can try it with this repository: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin+SVN+%2B+Plus!?content=111746 =) hope u like it!
Okay, thanks a lot for the repo... However, now I've got the menu in the interface... But although Humanity is selected, it doesn't seem to apply, even after restarting pidgin or the whole GNOME session... It seems the lines in prefs.xml stays default. And if I try to manually edit prefs.xml to force humanity theme, It changes back to default after restarting pidgin...
I just tried on a second PC, the theme is applied smoothly and in real time, without having to restart pidgin. You can try to delete files blist.xml and prefs.xml with pidgin closed and reopen it.Let me know because this is a strange problem!
Still doesn't work... Do you know where the original icons are located ? So I can directly change them. SVN version is too unstable on my system anyway, I'm considering downgrading to the original repo version.
The original theme is located in /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/status/ Backup the original one!