area.o43 SVG Icon theme

Full Icon Themes

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this is an icon set meant to be used with dark themes.
It's based on servechilled's area.o42 icons (I found them awesome).

NOTE: This version is explicitly meant to leave out application icons, they are too much!

I hate when a menu list alternates custom icons with original ones and this is kinda unavoidable for application menus (unless I actually create icons for every single past/present/future app in the world :-) ), In my design philosophy it's either everything or nothing...I hate mixups.

Instead, I tried to finish the previous theme "basic" system icons. The previous version had some missing links causing default gnome icons to be used in system applications like nautilus, firefox, etc.

This version tries to address these issues,I added white border to many icons, added a few missing SVGs and symlinks and voilà, at least now my basic system apps use a single icon style (still I need to fix something but we're almost there).

This is my first experience with icon themes then be kind

tested under ubuntu 8.10

In the screenshots I used:
controls: Unity
colors: custom ( with #777777 as the main theme )
windows decoration: DarkRoom
wallpaper: patterno_blue ( )

Ratings & Comments



This doesn't work in Ubuntu 11.10. There is a possibility to install these icons via PAP? Thanks!


I really like this theme - excellent.


I like this icon theme ALOT! needs good system icons especially for terminal and system monitor. Also, have you thought about making a default music player icon and maybe other theme default app icons? Otherwise, I'm happy with the icon set. Looking forward to future updates!


Hi redde! In 2.30, the "suspend" icon doesn't appear in the shutdown menu... workaround: cd apps; ln gnome-session-suspend.svg gnome-session-sleep.svg; Very nice work otherwise!


well, the iconset is nice, but i miss the applications, also, svg icon themes are slow on my old box, so, i wanted to offer my help. Instead of just asking for stuff,i ask you, will you be willing to accept collaboration? I mean, i could make area 43 style app icons, at least the most popular apps, and also i would like to use gither to make the theme avaliable in png. If the quality just doesn't cut it for you, i could release it by myself, but seeing this theme got updated recently i assume you are still working and i'll want to make this a single project.


This is rocking on my dark theme. Thanks a lot for your work.


That is great man, Area42 is my favorite set of icons but there were still so many that were not working for me (e.g. the "show desktop" icon, it would use the horrible default one), now it's all there. Really nice, well done. PS. Ho appena visto che come me sei di Firenze, ti faccio i complimenti ancora più volentieri! :)


This icon set looks great with the Elegant Brit theme!!! AWESOME!!!


dude, i love this iconset but i don't see any difference between this and the "outdated" least on Debian Squeeze... my second level menu is still pretty incomplete. cheers


Hi mitchtx! This version was explicitly meant to leave out application icons, they are too much! I hate when a list alternates custom icons with original ones and this is kinda unavoidable for second level menus (unless I actually create icons for every single app in the world :-) ), In my philosophy it's better everything or nothing...I hate mixups. Instead I tried to make a theme for "basic" system. The previous version had some missing links causing default gnome icons to be used in system applications like nautilus, firefox, etc. This version tries to address these issues,I fixed a bunch of icons with missing white border, added a few missing icons and symlinks and voilà, at least now my basic system apps use a single icon style (still I need to fix something but we're almost there).


that's fine man...sorry about that but this is (again) one of my favorites iconset so when i saw "version updated" i thought was completed. keep it that way i (we) appreciate your work. looking forward to seeying "area...100!!" ;-) mitch


no problems at all man :) I understand your wills and maybe, one day, if I have enough time, I'll start doing application icons..for the moment I'll concentrate on adding some missing icons at the "system" level (like the emblem for a locked folder in nautilus...I really can't find the correct name/placement for that icon!)and consolidating consistency across icon styles. This is already enough to fill all my spare time :-P thanks for the appreciation!


great stuff, mate! i love it.

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version 1
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.