Some icons from Nestort's theme ( ).
A very few icons come Buuf-Deuce theme by djaany ( His theme has been really helpful to get the right icons name !
All icons were made by mattahan (, thanks a lot to him for his great work !!
Licence : CC By-Nc-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License)
If you find any bug, please report them, or even better, fix them and send the result :·

I'm open for donation, to pay Mattahan to do some more icons.I will update this description with a "Hall of fame" to thank donators.
Hall of fame:
Soham Pal, 3$
Chua Edward, 2$
Damian Velázquez Cafaro, 1.95$
Myself, 13.05$
Ratings & Comments
Congratulations to the creators of this beautiful icon pack. I hope you continue the project and add icons for more programs, such as Free download Manager, rawTherapee, glabels, pycharm, rocket chat, sublime text, master pdf editor
Congratulations to the creators of this beautiful icon pack. I hope you continue the project and add icons for more programs, such as Free download Manager, rawTherapee, glabels, pycharm, rocket chat, sublime text, master pdf editor
Nice icon set, fantastic.
10 excelente!
9 9 excellent as always
10 Fantastic!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 J'adore le style des icones, original et faisant appel à une vraie création artistique. Je suis fan :)
9 Very cool! I really like the design that hides the difference from other popular icon themes.
10 Every time I settle on a Distro - this is the final go-to stage - I install this icon set and only then does the computer feel ... done!
9 9 excellent. I love it!
10 Thank you for taking mattahan's work and carrying it forward! Beautiful.
10 10 the best
10 Very nice icon theme. I have one request. Please, add icon for Emacs. Thank you.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Also, it might be just me, but I prefer the fileopen for document-open; see
Sorry, new version:
I'm not sure, where is the document-open icon used? I don't remember.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
Brilliant! Using it with XFCE on Arch. I noticed that the restart/reboot button was missing. I've solved it as below, maybe not in a very elegant way but it works for me :-) ln -s ../../../ubuntu/128x128/actions/system-suspend.png system-suspend.png ln -s ../../../ubuntu/128x128/actions/system-restart.png system-restart.png ln -s ../../../ubuntu/128x128/actions/system-restart.png system-reboot.png ln -s ../../../ubuntu/128x128/actions/system-hibernate.png system-hibernate.png ln -s ../../../ubuntu/128x128/actions/system-shutdown-panel.png system-shutdown.png
The icons should be included in the new version, tell me if it works alright :).