Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Please consider a small donation (1$ goes a long way) via PayPal to "alecive87@gmail.com"
Before asking, if you have any problem, run at least once the customization script, and TAKE A LOOK AT THE README FILE!!!
PPA modality:
1 Type in a terminal window:
* sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alecive/antigone
* sudo apt-get update
* sudo apt-get install awoken-icon-theme
* awoken-icon-theme-customization
2 Follow Instructions
WARNING: with ppa subscription you can always get the newest version on your machine. But to see the improvements, you have to configure (or re-configure) at least once the iconset either for clear version, or dark version, or even a colored one.
DeviantArt download modality:
1 Download the archive from dA page (clicking on the download button in this page). If you want to contribute to this project, click the "Donate" button and you'll give access to direct download.
2 Extract the archive, enter in the directory called AwOken-2.5, and extract also those three archives.
3 Move the folders called AwOken, AwOkenWhite and AwOkenDark in your .icons folder
4 Type in a terminal window:
* cd .icons
* sudo cp -p AwOken/awoken-icon-theme-customization /usr/bin
* sudo cp -p AwOken/awoken-icon-theme-customization-clear /usr/bin
* sudo cp -p AwOkenDark/awoken-icon-theme-customization-dark /usr/bin
* sudo cp -p AwOkenWhite/awoken-icon-theme-customization-white /usr/bin
* awoken-icon-theme-customization
5 Follow Instructions
To exploit full power of customization script, you have to install zenity (recommended, used to see the GUI) and imagemagick (mandatory, used to color icons). If you use Ubuntu, they're in repositories, so you have only to install them from Software Center.
If you have follow instructions above, you have only to type in a terminal window:
* awoken-icon-theme-customization
And follow instructions provided!
"¢ Added a full-featured colored version! More than 500 icons were re-drawed in colored mode.
"¢ Changed licensing: from cc-by-nc-sa to cc-by-sa! Now the iconset is completely free
"¢ Iconset updated to Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail!
"¢ Added ppa for Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal and Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
"¢ Solved a bug in coloration script (many thanks to shadowkyogre.deviantart.com)
"¢ Secure icons are now available in networkmanager
"¢ New ubuntuone icons, as well as new emoticons for chat
"¢ Added more than 50 xfce4 icons
"¢ Added icons for gnome 3.8 applications: gnome-games, gnome-documents, gnometris, quadrapassel, gnome-boxes, gnome-disks, and more
"¢ Added or redrawed more than 400 icons
"¢ Added more than 200 symbolic icons
"¢ Dropped ppa for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
Complete changelog (especially for previous versions) is stored in README PDF file.
Ratings & Comments
3 -
damn. it seems dead.
3 Dead!
9 +
9 +
9 Beautiful!
9 Very impressive
Great job. Thanks a lot.
3 update for plasma 5
please update the link for the file download, can't install on Arch Linux :(
Please add icons for VBA-M, snes9x and the file transfer dialog of Thunar.
Hello Alex . I took your icons , and I used the icons for create a theme for LibreOffice 4.1 . Is a version alpha . -------------------------------------------- screenshot : https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PcbcSdeSsBY/Ufc3g7sADGI/AAAAAAAAAns/vZD2nFwEv9k/w1215-h972-no/Screenshot+from+2013-07-30+00%253A34%253A34.png ---------------------------------------- Download AwOken LibreOffice 4.1 ( alpha) http://depositfiles.org/files/6dx8irg2x
Hey! I know you! You're mariano gaudix on google plus, am I right? I'm Alessandro Roncone, the awoken developer and the guy who commented to your last g+ post. Your work is great! As soon as you'll release also a dark version, I'll be the first to try it! :)
Although this colorful version is also great, the grayish color has an unmatched originality that must be kept really high. Cheers!
Thanks! I too love more the grayish version rather than the colored one. I just thought that probably a color refresh would have been well received by the users! Anyhow, I promise not to forget the monochrome version at all :)
Shame for me, your great work doesn't works for me, I select color apps, but absolutely nothing happens...It's sad, it seemed beautiful.
If you give me a bit more feedback, I can help you ;)
Do you plan to release new versions of your theme? Maybe a new version of the script to colorize the theme?
Done. And please don't spam on multiple platforms.
What's the best way to upgrade on a manual install? Can I just replace the icons folder and the binary or do I need to replace everything and start from scratch?