Black_Beauty III_CD

Cinnamon Themes

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To do this once again this time it has to be a knockout! Last time was decent, but I believe this time is better! It takes me time to learn how to deal with Cinnamon as I got more used to gtk3.0. No pro at that either, but am not lazy either!!!

Once again it is all about trashing black and white text as is just unsightly and has no real reason to spoil artwork! I do my best to show rich colorization as to provide significance! Some of us users want to be aware of what we are doing so I do my very best to show that. First one although looked alright, failed to show significance and let the user know what is going on. Hovers stunk! I was also afraid to up the coloring with text as to not be blinding, which also wound up being very poor.

Recently, I downloaded a few newer themes and found them quite blinding!!! They make feel as if I am getting a bright light shoved in my face! I promise you, I do not do that for my themes ever! You have to look at it and work with it! I want you to be able to view it with no strain, but still have everything quite visible! Colors can be quite effective to show this and after all, we are on the computer that most times has better color capabilities than our own TV's! So once again, I say why watch Black and White when we can see great color!!!!

I hope you will enjoy this theme very much as I once again spent a great deal of time to do this! I have even designed my own logo for the menu which is a little more colorful than the original. Also enjoy the work done for the corner! I promise is a bit more intense and enjoyable to see!!!! Of course, I still keep the transparency aspect as people seem to forget what a great option that is on the Cinnamon desktop. Once again, text shown is not the default you will get. I simply am used to that "Old World Style" of cursive writing and refuse to give it up even to display my work! Have no fear is set to "Sans" and just leaves my fonts as an option. Sizes of fonts have also been increased in the appropriate places as to help view things better. Background picture does not come with theme as is a svg file that is in usr/share/Adwaita/backgrounds.

I have put 3 like pictures in and at certain points of the day these pictures become superimposed when on the desktop. Since it looks nice, I have avoided creating any other background and apologize it is not included! I hope you will enjoy this theme as much as I have enjoyed creating it and using it everyday! Any problems please let me know quickly and believe me, I want it fixed just as badly!!!! So I would work to get it fixed very fast! Spammers, please sell your things on EBAY! NOT HERE!!!

Ratings & Comments



That one hell d a theme! it looks great and goes well with Ultimate Edition!


Thanks very much and also enjoy your work very much! Love hearing people like themes as I sure enjoy making them!

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version 1.7.2014
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 4

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