OS: ArchBang http://archbang.org (Arch Linux)My Gnome Shell Theme for 3.2: Black and Blue (with blue borders around popups, calendar and modal dialog)GTK3 Theme: Radiamentary by ~NanaBuluku http://fav.me/d486q3v(I changed the blue to match the blue in the wallpaper.)Icons: Awoken http://fav.me/d2pdw32(CMY Setting 992505 for the blue color)Font: CantarellAdded Arch icon to mint menu and removed the menu textRemoved the app icon from the top panel (I think it just looks cleaner plus I use globalmenu)Cairo-Dock with AwOken CMY Settigs 999999 Icons at the bottom.Wingpanel Notifier "Like" at the bottom right with a cloudy transparent backgroud.Wallpaper: ?? (I don't remember where I got this one from. if you know I'll add a link)
Ratings & Comments
Plz, upload the wallpaper on any picture sharing site. It's great, but I can't find it:(
I have it available on my devianart site here: http://fav.me/d4m45uq
Thank you very much!
Your welcome ;-)