Flieder Gnome-Shell-theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
In this screenshots, I use the gnome-purple Icons.
In the first download-link, you find the theme and in the second one, you find the Wallpaper, shown in the screenshots.
So if you like this theme, then download it and don't forget to vote
For installing it, just go to your menues and open the gnome-tweak-tool. There choose "theme" and there select the "flieder.zip.".
Then close gnome-tweak-tool and press Alt+F2 to reload your Gnome-shell.
For installing the Lavender gtk3-theme, just do the same by selecting the Lavender-gtk3-theme.
Afterwards, install the gnome-purple-Icons, which you find in the third download-link.
Then again press Alt+F2 and type r to realod your Gnome-Shell. That's just it.
edited buttons in the overview to make the text better readable. Now the text is white in the buttons
Uploaded further screenshot, which shows the overview with apps
provided bigger screenshots because of allowence of filesize-change by Frank.
-new version up! Now works with Gnome3.4 and Gnome 3.5
-changed colors a bit
-changed window-close-buttons
-changed checkboxes
-enhanced theme with a Wallpaper-pack
-fixed broken Link
Ratings & Comments
hi people, I uploaded a new version of this theme. Now this theme is a bit with a color-change, I changed the checkboxes and the window-close-buttons, then this theme now works with Gnome 3.4 and Gnome 3.5. Then I also enhanced this theme with a Wallpaper-pack and also uploaded new screenshots!!! So if you like this new theme, then vote for it... Greetings Karmicbastler
hi users, I am still working on the updated version of this theme. But it will take some more time, until I can launch the new version. So pleas stay tuned and I will give notice, when launch-time is here. Greetings Karmicbastler
hi users, thanks, that you like this theme and so I have started working on a new updated version of this theme and I hope to launch it on Wednesday or on thunrsday. That depends on when my work will be completed. I will also present you some new screenshots. Until then, Karmicbastler