Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:We recommend Prophet Metacity see link below.
Version 1.2
11/2011 Correction of errors + modification panel
Version 1.1
09/2011 FIX: slider, reduce the bitmap theme.
Version 1.0
1st September 2011 - Prophet Shell Theme version 1.1 - updates for GnomeShell 3.1.90.x
Ratings & Comments
vsimnul jsem si ze ti na novy verzy GS funguje dock , jak si to resil ? ja ho zaboha nemuzu rozjet :D jinak zajimavy theme ,hodilo by se tam misto cinosti klasicke tlacitko GNOME ci UBUNTU bez textu (jako bejvaj treba u gnomemenu) tak jako jsem to vyresil ja u tech novejsich updatovanejch ,klido to pouzij .) davam palec nahoru :)
ted mi doslo ze ty mas jeste tu starsi ja uz mam novejsi 3.1.92-0ubuntu1 :D
jj ten screen je z predchzi verze:) myslim, ze to pokazde predelavat ani nema cenu. No troch se v docku hrabu, tak se mi to snad povede aby bezel. Ted neni moc casu...chystam se na velke stehovani tak nejak moc nestiham. S tim logem mas pravdu, mam uz neco pripravene, ale jak jsem psal neni moc casu a to chystame jeste system, tajze je to na posr... :))) No viis ani jsem ti nenapsal, ze jsem tve tdema pro GS hodil do naseho systemu. No vidis...skeroza je svina
to ani psat nemusis odemne tam muzes hodit cokoliv , je dobre kdyz se to pouziva :D uff ani jsem nevedel ze vam to jede na gnome 3 uz to budu muset testnout :D
Jeste par dni vyckej na novou verzi, doufam ze se nam am pvede par vychytavek ktere jinde nebudou. Klici si s tim davaji tentokrat poradne zalezet, tak nam drz palce ;)
tak to uz se tesim :D
i like it :D i use it ! Thanks for sharing.
how did you get you picture in the system menu? mine wont show up...
I hope I understand correctly. The icon is inserted into the menu to the GnomeShell version 3.1.90 At least what I have installed.
This we did. Your system and use this theme for Gnome Shell is perfect. Very cool
Thank you very much Han. ;)
I visited the homepage of the distribution LinuxLex OS, and I saw your works. It's a great contribution to Linux world !!! Keep up the good work !
Thank you very much. Such words much delight.