Description: Prismas is my collection of opaque themes, light and dark, available in different color flavors: blue, gray, green, orange, purple, pink, and red.
Installation: Extract the zip file. Then extract the tar.gz file to the themes directory i.e. "~/.themes/" or "/usr/share/themes/"
Install the User Theme Extension and use the Gnome Tweak tool to choose the themes.
To install the Gnome Shell theme without the User Theme Extension,
1. First backup your Gnome Shell theme directory i.e. "/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/".
2. Extract the tar.gz file and rename "gnome-shell" directory to "theme",
3. Copy it to "/usr/share/gnome-shell/".
4. Restart GNOME Shell by pressing "Alt+F2", then type r and press Enter.
Bugs to report? Please let me know!
GTK 3 themes that will go well:
Zukitwo Zukitwo-colors Elementary Ambiance Linux Mint
Very colourful, nothing appears to be missing, haven't seen anything that could use any refinements or such so far. Would be nice to see both light and dark themes for all of the colours though, right now you don't have light themes for pink or orange and you don't have a dark theme for red.
Other than that, though, I can't really ask for anything.
Yeah, I really wanted to release it and so I decided that the pink & orange would look best with a dark & light mix. That made the orange one mesh real well with Ubuntu's default theme, Ambience! If I get the time I'll probably end up making three themes for each color or a script that uses custom color for either light, dark, or mixed. But I'm not that good yet!
Ratings & Comments
i do what u say to install i change the gnome-sheel/theme and restart but nathing changes u know why?
Check out this blog post...
ok i think i got it... one more thing do u have the original gnome-shell? because i delete mine and i think its going to be a problem... thank u!!
Here's a link if you still need it. Sorry it took so long, I've been offline for a while!
Very colourful, nothing appears to be missing, haven't seen anything that could use any refinements or such so far. Would be nice to see both light and dark themes for all of the colours though, right now you don't have light themes for pink or orange and you don't have a dark theme for red. Other than that, though, I can't really ask for anything.
Yeah, I really wanted to release it and so I decided that the pink & orange would look best with a dark & light mix. That made the orange one mesh real well with Ubuntu's default theme, Ambience! If I get the time I'll probably end up making three themes for each color or a script that uses custom color for either light, dark, or mixed. But I'm not that good yet!