Prophet-3.7 Theme
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
09/2012 Correction of errors in the Apps view icons.
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Ratings & Comments
Don't stop what your doing. I've been watching your work for, what over a year since you've been uploading here? While some of your stuff hasn't been for me, it's great to see how much your contributing :)
Thank you very much. I'm glad someone can appreciate the work for free Linux community. Thank you again!
That shows there, and our chief developer Eventhough I did not know :)) Anyone who creates something and share free of charge for users, everyone applauded!
I thank all of you who use our work to beautify the Linux environment;) Many thanks for your comment. Praise is always appreciated.
Koukám, další česká duše ve zdejších vodách...
Ahoj, no není to až tak úplně pravda :) Pocházím z Ukrajiny, ale v Česku žiji již více jak 20 let. Každopádně jsem moc rád, když zde potkám lidičky z Česka ;) Konečně jazyk, který ovládám celkem dobře :)))