Capazul (3.2 Compatible!)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Put the 'Capazul' folder inside ~/.themes and use a theme-selector extension to select it. OR, backup your /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme folder and replace everything inside it with this theme, press ALT+F2 and type 'r'
Wallpaper by dan4archangel
V 1.0 05 Oct 2011
- Uploaded to deviantart and gnome-look.org.
V 1.2 08 Oct 2011
- Added message tray image with easter egg.
- Tweaked calendar, chat, panel-button gradients, and modals.
- Changed workspace switcher and toggle-switch images.
- Tweaked App-Filter.
- Changed hover color of logout list items and user icon size.
V 1.3.1 15 Oct 2011
- Updated for gnome 3.2 compatibility!
- Longer transitions for the panel.
V 1.4 19 Oct 2011
- Improved on-screen keyboard look and feel!
- Tweaked some more transitions
- Borrowed the trough design from deviantartist justviper.
Ratings & Comments
Loving this shell theme, but what window theme are you running to give the entire thing that dark blue look? And what background? I'm obviously going to play around with it, but I'd like to have my entire computer with the same overall theme :P
I used Zukitwo along with this. And here's the wallpaper! http://dan4archangel.deviantart.com/art/Blue-C4D-Wallpaper-93471300
Could you do this theme but in in this color of shadows etc? (rgb 195,0,0 or 150,0,0) And with 1 pt heigher font on desktop fonts (clock, date) Or you can just write where it change in actually code? :)
If you look in the gnome-shell.css file, change all the 336699 and 51,102,153 (I'm sure I used other colors, too...) to the color choices you'd like. And the font sizes are found under the panel button and calendar. If there's one you can't find just let me know...
Hey! It works! :):):):) Thank you! But look at this shadow: http://i39.tinypic.com/vo6hbd.jpg it's only when my mouse "touch" the button. How to remove it? And above bar with date and rest I have now red thin line... And this i want remove too... If you know and want help i'll be grateful :)
For the thin red line above the panel, remove the box-shadow from the #panel field. For the button hover color, you must change the hover begin color in the .app-well-app:hover child. Hope that helps...
Thank you! It works, and it's great :)
very nice, the best theme, I installed it and adopted
Thank you! What did you change? How does it look now?