Eleganse-Elementary-dark Cinnamon themes
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Eleganse, dark-glass and ElementaryOS
Unpack themes in locations ~./themes or /usr/share/themes/.
Added dark-glass theme
Better support for Cinnamon 1.1.3
I added ElemenatryOS (now known as eOS - for Gnome shell) theme. This theme is also darker.
Added support for Cinnamon 1.2
Added applet style, font and some other minor visual changes to the Eleganse theme
Added applet style in all themes, some minor additional changes. Finally dumped all the code typical for a Gnome Shell.
Minor code repairs; notifications text fixed
Added support for Cinnamon 1.3. There are not many changes, with regard to the fact that now all the elements on the panel are actually Applets. Themes look a little different because of changes in Cinnamon 1.3 version.
Ratings & Comments
Can you update the theme for Cinnamon 1.6? It is a pity not to having it, in the new version. Thanks a lot !
I will make an update these days Best regards
Eleganse is the best theme for Mint. It's simply wonderful. I've recently upgraded do Cinnamon 1.6 but later downgraded when I've found out there's still not a version for 1.6. None of the other themes satisfied me. The latest Linux Mint Stable Release is using Cinnamon 1.6, so I think they'll stick with it for a while. I would really appreciate if you keep with your wounderful work and make a version for 1.6. Best Regards
These days I'll try to convert this theme for Cinnamon 1.6. Greetings
The information at the lower right is too low - you cant see it, specifically the weather extension. And the update icon is too big. You get this if you choose dark-glass theme, then logout, and then log back in.
The Eleganse theme looks very nice and am using it now. I like Black Glass also but the notifications shows up as black BG and black font so its unreadable. I hope you keep up with these and make more.
Great work! Hvala na temi, koristim je upravo izgleda sjajno! Veliki pozdrav iz Beograda
Veliki pozdrav i tebi iz Tuzle. Drago mi je da volis ovu temu. Puno srece
Hey nice. Just what wallpaper is on the 2nd picture? (below).
Absolutely fabulous!
But could you point toward a link detailing how to install the cinnamon de? like trying things out.
It depends on the distribution you are using. I'm using Linux mint. <a href="http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?page_id=61">Here</a> are the instructions for installation.
It depends on the distribution you are using. I'm using Linux mint. Here (http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?page_id=61) are the instructions for installation.
Cheers man! Im using mint as well so thats just ideal! Did not think it was a simple as using the software manager, stoked!
mmmmmm mint 64bit. does not even load. gutz
Hmm, Have you copied to /usr/share/themes/ with the instructions?. Have you checked the file permissions?
no no! not the theme! cinnamon desktop itself does not load at all!
Btw It's Elegance
I just changed the name so it is not the same