for GNOME Shell 3.4 - take version 0.5
for GNOME Shell 3.6 - take version 0.5.1
for GNOME Shell 3.8 - take version 0.5.2
for GNOME Shell 3.10 - take version 0.5.3
all version are included in the download!
Zukitwo Cupertino is made off the great Zukitwo theme, aimed to integrate the GNOME-Shell better to a Mac OSX like GTK-theme (i.e. Adwaita Cupertino).
Looks nice on bigger screens (1920x1200 - my PC) as well as on smaller screens (1366x768 - my netbook)
Theme Info
GTK Theme: Adwaita Cupertino (
Icon Theme: Faenza (

Cursor Theme: Shere Khan X (

visible extensions:
[strike]Dock ([/strike]
[strike]overview-icon ([/strike]
[strike]places-status-indicator ([/strike]
[strike]Media player indicator ([/strike]
Extension List (
System Monitor (
Extract the zip file and put the 'Zukitwo Cupertino' folder inside your ~/.themes directory. Use the Gome-Shell theme extension to select Zukitwo Cupertino theme.
Installation with GDM Theme
This will replace the default gnome shell theme.
- Extract the Zukitwo-Cupertino folder anywhere at your system
- Go to the default gnome shell theme location /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme
- Backup the files gdm.css and gnome-shell.css
- Go back to the extracted Zukitwo-Cupertino folder and open the gnome-shell folder inside it
- Move or copy the contents of the gnome-shell folder to the above mentioned default gnome shell theme location
- Refresh the gnome shell by pressing Alt+F2, typing 'r' and pressing ENTER
Note: if your current theme is not the default gnome shell theme, instead of refreshing the theme in the last step just open the gnome-tweak-tool and set the gnome shell theme to 'Default'.
Known bugs
- Status in user menu sometime becomes white - seems GNOME-Shell 3.4 fixed this
- after returning from overview the application button on top gets a wrong border - FIXED
- Extension: Extension List need some CSS tweaks
- Dock extension looks a bit weird with the theme - needs some CSS tweaks too (I changed to plank

to override the stylesheet of the system monitor, just rename the stylesheet.css from the system monitor extension
Any suggestions for further changes/extension support are welcome!
Ratings & Comments
Nice theme.But I suggest adding gnome 3.10 support. See,It matches gnome shell 3.10 very well except the menu,which is still black with cupertino installed.
I already reworked the theme, but I still need to test it
Can you please add compatibility for GNOME 3.8?
I am sorry, I switched to unity some time ago and now I have no chance to maintain it. I hope there could be any other Gnome Shell user which could do the changes..
Very sad. In my Opinion, it was the best theme of its kind.
I've just installed gnome shell 3.8.3 to check where the problem is - but I could not find any problem.. Could you tell me what is going wrong in GS 3.8?
Just try to search for something in GS. Here's a screenshot:
Seeing as though [url=""]Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is in beta as of September 6[/url], it would be nice to include a version of this theme for the development version of GNOME Shell (in this case, 3.5.91) that will eventually become GNOME Shell 3.6. Especially since that version of GNOME Shell uses an icon that looks like a grid of nine squares (the very bottom icon in the left-side "dock") to invoke the app tray instead of "Windows" and "Apps" tabs, not to mention the search bar being in the top center instead of top right. Both of these interface changes can easily screw up a lot of themes.
I will update the theme as soon as it arrives to my linux distribution (just give it some days) meanwhile (if I find some time) I will try to fix it in an development version of the GNOME-Shell (i.e.
Hi, I'm experiencing errors in gnome-shell 3.4 with the notifications. I was touching the code and I think I found the error In message.css, in line 8 and 22, will be a .notification and .notification.multi-line-notification like in the original gnome-shell theme to work properly. Also this is not a good workaround, because with this fix is a little uggly, but at least, I can see the notifications. Please, fix it when possible =)
looks like you got some artifacts from a newer version of the gnome shell. #notification will be changed to .notification as mentioned here: i will separate the theme into different versions for 3.2; 3.4 and 3.5 in a few days
Btw. I could test possible fixes for you if you are willing to provide, cause i really want the theme.
Hi, thanks for reporting this issue; could you try to change apps.css to the following content? it works in 3.4; i hope it will work in 3.2 too
It worked! Thank you for the quick response/fix!
thanks for reporting too ;)
Hello. Just wanted to inform that the applications tab is empty as soon as you switch to this theme when using gnome shell 3.2.
Thanks to create gnome-shell theme for cupertino theme :)
Looks great, any thoughts for Unity?
Unfortunately there are no plans for unity at the moment (running on arch and have no unity installed)