Metal X 1.4 (compatible with gnome 3.2)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Please do let me know if you get any errors, i have only tried this theme on ubuntu and mint.
Note: the download contains two packages one for gnome3 and other for gnome3.2 pls install the required one.
Update 1.0: Now with ripple effect, check read me file to turn it ON.
Update 1.1: Made a few changes to buttons
Update 1.2: somemore changes made to the shell and new panel icons added(for arch and fedora) can be found here
Update 1.3: Now working with ubuntu 11.10 gnome shell (i.e, 3.2)
Update 1.4: did some changes to make the theme look a tad bit better.
Update 1.5: did a few changes to the theme and added panel icon support
Ratings & Comments
it works. but icons on the top panel are smaller! i think standard size is better. in applications menu fonts under icons are small.
sorry for the late reply been a little busy, first of all thanks for the feedback and secondly changing the icon size and font size is pretty easy to do yourself, just navigate to the folder where the shell theme is stored and open gnome-shell.css and search for .system-status-icon {there change the icon-size to the one you like the one i've kept on is 14px, as for the app font search for .app-well-app > .overview-icon and change font-size to what you would like and thats it.
I have two bugs to report. The first one is a missing background in the online status combobox in the user's menu. Gnome 3.2 introduced this new widget. The second is more serious. This theme - like many others - causes the shell to freeze completely when the search feature is used. Most of the time the shell freezes instantly after typing in the first character. The latter one must be due to some API/styling changes in Gnome 3.2 since many of the themes that worked with 3.0 will now cause shell freeze. I checked GDM logs and there was nothing printed. Also .xsession-errors didn't seem to have anything useful.
I forgot to mention I have two computers running Gnome 3.2 and they both suffer of the freeze caused by the themes. One is running i686 and the other one is x86_64. I have tried resetting Gnome configs to no avail. Also the other computer has had a clean installation of the OS.
there are two packages in the download check which one you used, one says gs-metalx-gnome3.2, thats the one your supposed to install for gnome3.2.
Thanks for the tip. I didn't even know there were two version included in the archive because I always install themes using gnome-tweak-tool. Maybe you should split the archive in two different versions or please at least add a note of this situation in the description.
sorry i didn't think that far through, wilco with your suggestion.
package for Archlinux is prepared in [AUR]: [url] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=52136 [/url]
and thanks for that
Ubuntu font is nice, but gnome preffers cantarella font. Can you add "font-family: ubuntu; cantarell, sans-serif;" for better compatibility with distros without ubuntu-font ?
sure no probs will do it right away.
and done. thanks for pointing that out i use mint so that never occurred to me.
Awesome work ! is perfect in my Fedora 15! Thanks :D
Hi, nice, but i have not a Activities Menu?! Where is it? Fedora15 Gnome3 cu Richard Ps: sorry, my english is not so good, i speak german
its been replaced with the gnome symbol, can you not see it?
Hey, sorry, but i can not see this. Look here: http://goo.gl/LrZiR and http://goo.gl/KTHVy cu Richard
Did the new download still not fix it? I updated the download.
hey sorry for the trouble, i have just updated the theme hope this will fix it, just download and extract it over the original.
Hey, great! i have update new version. Looks good :-) cu Richard
Okay, Thanks.