LittleBigMod (RC1)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
How to install
Extract the zip-file and copy the folder "LittleBigMod" into ~/.themes/. Also install the font from the fonts folder. Now active the theme with gnome-tweak-tool. Having installed a prior version of this theme, you might also (ALT F2) + r
Screenshots: 1.0
1.5 - bug-fixing at mount dialogs, modal dialogs and buttons
1.4 - solved an old problem with bottom round corners, some animation mods
1.3 - solved graphical issues on search results, stabilized scalability support, experimental rtl-support, second overview layer, further bug-fixing
1.2 - Experimental support for theme-scaling with accessibility features, bug-fixing
1.1 - modified end session dialogs, new password dialog, new activities button, modified font-size, bug fixing
1.0 - not released
0.9 - New end-session dialogs, new run-dialog, activities button animation-fix, bug-fixes
0.8 - New dash, new notifications, new message tray, new keyboard, modified activities area, modified overview
0.7 - new keyboard layout, removed gliches near panel using ubuntu themes
0.6 - new overview background, new running indicator, modified search results page
0.5 - name changed into LittleBigMod
0.4 - new message area, new notifications, modified overview background, new hot corner, new on/off sliders
0.3 - not released
0.2 - new fonts, modified contacts, modified notifications, new search buttons
0.1 - first release
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
hi, is this theme compatible with ubuntu 12.10 and gnome 3.6?
Never tested it, but I don't think it is. I have it on my to-do list, but this might take a while. I simply don't have enough time for now.
Very nice looking theme "LittleBigMod". Thank you. I was wondering if you have a nice GTK+ theme that you recommend for use with LittleBigMod? I'm currently using GnomishDark but I really don't like the buttons. They jump around under my mouse as I move the pointer. Thanks again.
Hi, somehow I ever liked the default GTK+ and icon-theme, therefor I mostly used Adwaita and Gnome. Zukitwo is my other favorite, especially the window-theme.
Nice! Almost perfect theme, man! How can I change [for less] the pannel font size?
Hi, easiest way is to use the accessibility feature of gnome. You can find it in the "System Settings" under "System" "Universal Access" and than changing the "Text Size" under "Display". After doing that, you'll also need an (ALT F2) + r or logout/login.
You may also use the "Text scaling factor" in the "Advanced Settings" (gnome-tweak-tool), it is a bit more detailed.
Thank U, man!
I use your theme as well, but all the other themes but the default one, are all very slow .. almost unusable! so i have to get back to the defaut one each time ! i don't know where is the problem!
Sorry, don't know. You said, the problem occurs on every theme but the default one. Did you try to install a theme into /usr/share/themes/ ?
It's seems that "Application Menu" created the pb! I uninstall it and all seems to be ok now! Thks! ps: next time i'll try /usr/share/themes
Hi! Could u tell what conky theme are you using in thebottom left part of the first view?
It's not a Conky theme, it's the FreemeteoWeather Screenlet which has been modified a bit by me.
Thks a lot! i've never used this screenlet before, and it's very nice .. simple! already on my desktop!