Description: BLO (means 'blue' in Luxembourgish Blue variation of Darkair theme Version number indicates highest tested gnome-shell version Compatible with gnome-shell 3.4 / 3.6 / 3.8 / and 3.9.3
Please report any error or suggestion, so that i can optimize the theme Conky theme included Please try also Darkair changelog:
Version 3.9.3 - published 27.06.2013 (published version: 3) gnome-shell 3.4-3.6-3.8 -3.9.3 compatible (tested with ubuntu saucy and ppa/ricotz) - includes all the latest 3.4 fixes (for debian users) - fixed notification overlay problem - minor fixes, overlay notification fix and fine-tuning
GNOME DAILY BUILD / PPA-RICOTZ (so 3.9.3-user) - PLEASE READ Actually in gnome-shell is a bug (see - BUG 702801) , that mixes gdm and gnome-shell theme
To get the theme error-free, please use it also for gdm To change gdm theme , please use gdm3setup
You will find a version for quite any distribution on BLO (3.9.2) (published version: 2) -tested with gnome-shell 3.9.2 -quite a lot of fine-tuning & corrections
Published version 1.0 - 25.05.2013 Initial release Gnome-shell 3.6-3.8-3.9.1 compatible
Ratings & Comments
The orage one was great save the color! But this blue one is just PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot Serge!
I agree!
i like your orange theme, not this blue one, but i would like a green one. But aside of colour preferences your theme is great.