Description: ABOUT: My alternative to GNOME Shell default theme. Include all the best of default theme.
INSTALLATION: 1. Install 'User Themes Extension' 2. Extract to ~/.themes 3. Open 'Gnome Tweak Tool' and select theme
Arch linux users can install this (assuming usage of yaourt) by running "yaourt -S gnome-shell-theme-default-mod"
Tweaks: FONT (Droid Sans recommended): You can change font and size in gnome-shell.css [quote]stage { font-family: droid sans; font-size: 11pt; }[/quote]
Custom APP-GRID size: Add at the end of gnome-shell.css [quote]/* small icon-grid */ .icon-grid { spacing: 24px; /* 36px */ -shell-grid-horizontal-item-size: 100px; /* 118px */ -shell-grid-vertical-item-size: 100px; /* 118px */ }
This is exactly the shell theme I've been looking for. It goes great with both dark and light themes and its plain and simple. Keep up the good work!
Also, I hope you dont mind (and if you do let me know), but I've packaged your theme for Arch linux users in the AUR:
Arch linux users can install this (assuming usage of yaourt) by running "yaourt -S gnome-shell-theme-default-mod"
I saw what theme extension not comparability with gs 3.4. I'm use extension from repository on my Ubuntu 11.10. I hope extension on site will works soon.
Now, you can replace original theme to this (make backup) in /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme, but I'm not recommend do that.
Ratings & Comments
It's simply perfect. Good job.
Is anyone else having problems finding the theme after being redirected to DevianArt. Why not just upload it here?
The On/Off toggles are invisible for me. I am using Gnome 3.8 from Arch Linux gnome-unstable repository. Any idea how to fix that?
Thanks for your report. I suppose it fixed now. Check this out.
Yep, looks beautiful now. :) Thanks.
Nice theme! And the tutorial to change font size is nice. I changed font size to 10pts and its even better! =)
This is exactly the shell theme I've been looking for. It goes great with both dark and light themes and its plain and simple. Keep up the good work! Also, I hope you dont mind (and if you do let me know), but I've packaged your theme for Arch linux users in the AUR: Arch linux users can install this (assuming usage of yaourt) by running "yaourt -S gnome-shell-theme-default-mod"
Thanks, I added info about this in description
Great theme! Simple and effective!
beautiful theme, congratulations! The only flaw, in my opinion, is the size of fonts on the popup panel. No?
Thanks. Can you show it in the screenshot?
I just made an account so I could say how amazing this theme is. It's what the default theme should have been like!
thank you
2. Extract to ~./themes should be so 2. Extract to ~/.themes
thanks, fixed
Beautiful and elegent, thank you.
Looks very nice. How do I change themes with gs 3.4? the user theme extension aint compatible with it.
I saw what theme extension not comparability with gs 3.4. I'm use extension from repository on my Ubuntu 11.10. I hope extension on site will works soon. Now, you can replace original theme to this (make backup) in /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme, but I'm not recommend do that.