Faarwen (formerly Darkair & BLO)

Gnome Shell Themes

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Available as/for:
# 100% Gnome-Shell 3.11.1 compatible !
# Thanks for > 16000 downloads
# in 10 months

Now includes 5 versions :
ORANGE (was Darkair-BB)

Version 3.11.1 - published 13.11.2013 -
Latest versions tested on ubuntu trusty with ppa:ricotz/testing activated

Tested also on
- debian 7 (gnome-shell 3.4)
- ubuntu 13.04 (no ppa) (gnome-shell 3.6)
- fedora 19 (gnome-shell 3.8.3)
Includes conky theme

Thanks for any comment to optimize the themes

To activate the theme in gdm please use gdm3setup or similar - see links
Last changelog:

Changelog 3.11.1

Too many toenumerate them all

> 2800 lines of code have changed
> 50 new icons
5 theme/colour variations now
-Complete redesigned gnome-shell/ gtk3 theme
- metacity/mutter theme now GTK 3.10-design compatible

Changelog 3.9.5

- first vesion proposed also in .deb and rpm format
- a lot of small fixes (for non-standard plugins, new gnome-shell user menu (> for gs >= 3.9.4), classic mode, ...)
- a lot of fine-tuning - also for "old" versions (e.g. gs 3.4 on debian 7)
- 2 versions of gnome-shell theme : Darkair & Darkair-BB - Try the difference

Version -gnome-shell 3.6 -3.8.3 - 3.9.2 compatible - 14.06.2013
-some fixes for gnome-shell 3.4 compatibility (for debian)
-fixes for some extensions (appmenu app integration, automount)
- fix of some nasty overlay scrollbars
-gdm theme now working (please use gdm3setup or similar to activate)

For more than 6 app icons in a row
please execute
sudo sed -i '/MAX_COLUMNS = 6/c\MAX_COLUMNS = 7' /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/appDisplay.js
(7 or 8 are good value for 1366, 9 for 1600, 10-11 for 1920)


Changelog 3.9.5

- first vesion proposed also in .deb and rpm format
- a lot of small fixes (for non-standard plugins, new gnome-shell user menu (> for gs >= 3.9.4), classic mode, ...)
- a lot of fine-tuning - also for "old" versions (e.g. gs 3.4 on debian 7)
- 2 versions of gnome-shell theme : Darkair & Darkair fat - Try the difference
-gdm theme now fully working (please use gdm3setup or similar to activate)

Changelog 3.9.2
-some icon & gtk3 fixes
-fine-tuning & hotplug fixes
-small conky width fix
Chaangelog 3.9.1:
-gtk2 & gtk3 fixes
-more minimalistic conky theme (old still included)
- a LOT of fine-tuning (keyboard,
overview, dialogs, buttons, ....)
Version 1.8.1- 16.04.2013
redesign of overlay notifications in message bar
-transparency of conky fixed
- gtk 2/3 fixes

... full changelog inside the package

Version 1.0.2 - 3.1.2013

Initial release for gnome-shell 3.6/3.7 on gnome-look

Ratings & Comments



Download link is dead


Really Loved it, specialy colors. thanx


I have Archlinux. I have downlaoded your package and extracted it into /usr/share/themes but when trying to change gnome-shell theme using gnome-tweak-tool it is not recognized as a gnome-shell theme. Furthermore, I have browsed into the folders of your themes to selected the desired one and when within gnome-shell for each of your themes it is not recognized as a valid theme.


I really like your theme, for me it's only perfect. The only thing that disturb me are the white letters on orange background (on activated or selcted items), in this case black letters would be better for visbility. thank you for the theme.


Thanks for the comment and the compliment I tried here at home with black,dark grey, and some more colors The change of colour of text was something that made me nervous - that's why i kept the white colour But i'll give it a new try for the next version -or i'll make the shadow a bit darker/bigger


if it is difficult to change the colour a darker shadow would be a good idea.


The notification popup, which is shown by rhythmbox to inform a user about the current playing track, looks very ugly, because the content of the popup is bigger than the popup. Screenshot: http://ge.tt/8eRpYKl/v/0


Thanks a lot for the notification I do not use rythmbox - that's why i did not see it I am just preparing 3.9.4 - will include a fix


Done in 3.9.5 :)


The notification popup, which is shown by rhythmbox to inform a user about the current playing track, looks very ugly, because the content of the popup is bigger than the popup. Screenshot: http://ge.tt/8eRpYKl/v/0


great theme. working well in ubuntu-gnome 13.04


Hello serge Congratulations you theme, is great. I suggest you change these lines in your theme to work properly with the extension window list, which in classic mode is enabled by default. near line 2246. ___________________________________________ .summary-source-counter { background-image: url("summary-counter.svg"); background-size: 2.4em; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; height: 2.4em; width: 2.4em; -shell-counter-overlap-x: 8px; -shell-counter-overlap-y: 8px; } _______________________________________________ Before http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/2434/screenshotfrom201303051.png After http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/2434/screenshotfrom201303051.png


Thanks a lot for this comment - that's exactly the kind of comment i am looking for (corrections i have to do) I am just preparing 1.6.1 - with some fine-tuning I will of course include your patch Thanks a lot again Serge


icant install theme in ubuntu 12.10 plz how i can install it?


so resolution independant


i like the orange version very nice with the conky theme one small negative point: if you use opera the orange fields are browner than in other apps And in opera some fields are blue .... for the rest great work - i am already awaiting the next version :)

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version 3.11.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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