Description: Update: I pretty much finished this gtk theme..It's my first at reallly tweaking. The other ones I just basically just changed the selection color. This one I blended Radiamentary by ~NanaBuluku with BleuFear for GTK Thank you to the both of these authors. So if you find any problems with this let me know and I will try to figure it out. It might take me some time
I just changed the font in the highlighted area to use the same dark brown of the theme. I think it looks slick might have to keep these themes on my computer for a while LOL Yeah Right!! LOL!! I keep coming up with ideas LOL!!
I'm messing around with this theme to see if i can get the greenish yellow a little more milder. I think it matches pretty well though...What do you guys think? I also removed the border around the windows I love the no border look
Thank you to the original creator here is the original theme changelog:
Update 3/15/2012: Changed the name and changed th color to more of a gold coor instead of yellow{/b}
Update 3/12/2012:Thanks to nowerries for telling me how to fix Ubuntu Software Center. I'm trying to figure out a way to apply this fix to my dark themes but until then use this fix.
Only bug I have noticed so far is fonts unreadable in Ubunut Software Center the fix for this is to in terminal type...
.... and change the color value of @define-color super-light-aubergine to #363636.
Update: My friend mmesantos1 Thanks buddy and I researched the problem with evolution displaying html messages with white background and white fonts have determined that it is a bug with evolution and has been there for a long time. I switched to using thunderbird for email and use evolution for my calendar. Just because thunderbird does not have this problem and evolution integration with the gnome shell just is so sweet.
Check this out Let me know if you like this or I can add blue to this theme too either way. I am still working on the blue but should be done pretty soon.
Ratings & Comments
NO file to download ?
+1 looks cute BLUE version, please
How about this?
A blue version would be nice, like the blue in the Clarity icon theme.
Check this out Let me know if you like this or I can add blue to this theme too either way. I am still working on the blue but should be done pretty soon.
You could search the file "gtk-widgets.css" from GnomishDark (on this site) for the word "evolution" and add similar lines to your theme.
Sweet! thank you I will do that ;-)